Consultation has concluded

Welcome to Tweed Shire Council's online hub for community engagement.
This is your one-stop source of information about all of Council's engagement campaigns, including access to online forums, surveys, quick polls and videos.
Whenever Council is seeking community input on a Council-related issue, it will be featured here on Your Say Tweed. Our aim is to consolidate all Council's community engagement activities in one place so you can keep up to date with what's happening locally and have your say on the things that matter to you.
We invite you to drop by regularly to see and participate in the latest issues.
Contributing your ideas is quick and easy
Registration is optional but as a registered member of Your Say Tweed you will receive the full experience of Council’s online engagement site, including the ability to participate in all the online surveys and forums.
Of course, if you'd prefer, you can continue to engage with Council via the traditional methods. Information about Council's engagement campaigns is also available at Council's Customer Service centres at Tweed Heads and Murwillumbah or you can contact Council on (02) 6670 2400.
Welcome to Tweed Shire Council's online hub for community engagement.
This is your one-stop source of information about all of Council's engagement campaigns, including access to online forums, surveys, quick polls and videos.
Whenever Council is seeking community input on a Council-related issue, it will be featured here on Your Say Tweed. Our aim is to consolidate all Council's community engagement activities in one place so you can keep up to date with what's happening locally and have your say on the things that matter to you.
We invite you to drop by regularly to see and participate in the latest issues.
Contributing your ideas is quick and easy
Registration is optional but as a registered member of Your Say Tweed you will receive the full experience of Council’s online engagement site, including the ability to participate in all the online surveys and forums.
Of course, if you'd prefer, you can continue to engage with Council via the traditional methods. Information about Council's engagement campaigns is also available at Council's Customer Service centres at Tweed Heads and Murwillumbah or you can contact Council on (02) 6670 2400.
Sizing up Fingal Head development
Share Sizing up Fingal Head development on Facebook Share Sizing up Fingal Head development on Twitter Share Sizing up Fingal Head development on Linkedin Email Sizing up Fingal Head development linkBuilding heights in Fingal Head are being reviewed by Council to understand community concerns about building height, appearance and amenity in the village.
The review relates to all land in the Fingal Head locality and was initiated because of community concerns about building height measurements outlined in the Tweed Local Environmental Plan 2014.
Click here for more information.
A $21.2 million investment to protect and reinvigorate the Kingscliff CBD
Share A $21.2 million investment to protect and reinvigorate the Kingscliff CBD on Facebook Share A $21.2 million investment to protect and reinvigorate the Kingscliff CBD on Twitter Share A $21.2 million investment to protect and reinvigorate the Kingscliff CBD on Linkedin Email A $21.2 million investment to protect and reinvigorate the Kingscliff CBD linkThe Kingscliff Foreshore Revitalisation is a three-stage $21.2 million project being undertaken by Council to protect and enhance facilities along the Kingscliff CBD coastline.
- Stage 1 will construct a permanent sea wall to protect the Cudgen Headland Surf Life Saving Club, Kingscliff Beach Holiday Park and Kingscliff Beach Bowls Club from erosion caused by storm events and projected sea level rises
- Stage 2 will refurbish and modernise the facilities and services at Kingscliff Beach Holiday Park, to better meet the demands of the visitors to the town, including a greater emphasis on cabin accommodation.
- Stage 3 will create a Kingscliff Central Park, a community hub linking the Kingscliff central business district with the beach by providing oceans views from CBD businesses on Marine Park and establishing paths for improved beach access.
Community celebration for Razorback reopening
Share Community celebration for Razorback reopening on Facebook Share Community celebration for Razorback reopening on Twitter Share Community celebration for Razorback reopening on Linkedin Email Community celebration for Razorback reopening linkAround 140 people attended a free community breakfast at Tom Beatson Outlook on Friday 15 January, to celebrate the popular Tweed Heads park’s reopening following its upgrade late last year.
“While people have been enjoying renewed access to the outlook during the holiday period, we wanted to have a community celebration because of Razorback’s importance to so many people,” Council’s Director Community and Natural Resources, Tracey Stinson, said.
"The number of people who joined us for the breakfast, from many different walks of life, demonstrated how this site means so many things for so many people."
A strategy for events in the Tweed
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Community members are invited to speak up on how the Tweed supports, develops and attracts events in the region.The Draft Tweed Shire Council Events Strategy 2016-2020 is on public exhibition until 11 January 2016 and submissions will be accepted until 25 January.
Priorities of the strategy include supporting existing event organisers, making the most of the Tweed as an event destination, improving expertise and growth and creating a customer service-centred ‘one-stop shop’ for approvals within Council.
Focusing on the next four years, the strategy realigns the Tweed’s position on events with that of the community’s and identifies five themes central to the Tweed – Sport, Food, Music, Arts/Culture and Environment events.
To view the Draft Tweed Shire Council Events Strategy 2016 – 2020, visit or visit Council’s administration offices in Murwillumbah or Tweed Heads.
Written submissions are invited until close of business on Monday 25 January 2016. Submissions should be posted to the General Manager, Tweed Shire Council, PO Box 816, Murwillumbah NSW 2484 or emailed to
Review of bin services for multi-unit residential properties
Share Review of bin services for multi-unit residential properties on Facebook Share Review of bin services for multi-unit residential properties on Twitter Share Review of bin services for multi-unit residential properties on Linkedin Email Review of bin services for multi-unit residential properties linkCouncil is reviewing all residentially rated properties in Tweed Shire to ensure the correct waste charges are applied to each property, and that each has equal opportunity to access the required garbage and recycling services.
Approximately 30 per cent of all residentially-rated multi-unit properties in Tweed Shire are currently paying for their garbage and recycling collection services via their Body Corporate or Strata, for services provided by Council or a private contractor. These charges are forwarded to the managing agent, who passes the charges on to each individual property.
Under State Government legislation, from 1 July 2016, Council will send compulsory garbage and recycling service charges direct to all individual unit owners, as part of their rates.
Click here to find out more -
Complete sand bypass survey for chance to win GoPro
Share Complete sand bypass survey for chance to win GoPro on Facebook Share Complete sand bypass survey for chance to win GoPro on Twitter Share Complete sand bypass survey for chance to win GoPro on Linkedin Email Complete sand bypass survey for chance to win GoPro linkTweed residents are being invited to complete a survey about the Tweed Sand Bypassing Project, to evaluate community awareness and understanding of the project.
Everyone who completes the survey before 19 December, by visiting or phoning the Project Office on (02) 6620 5506, goes into a draw to win a GoPro Camera.
Council is a partner in the project, along with the Tweed River Entrance Sand Bypassing Company, Gold Coast City Council, and the NSW and Queensland governments.
The project has been operating for the past 10 years, moving sand between Letitia Spit and beaches on the southern Gold Coast.
The survey is designed to help the Project Office connect with residents, beach users, surfers and the boating community, by identifying what the community knows and wants to know about the sand bypassing process.
Open for community input on parks and outdoor recreation areas
Share Open for community input on parks and outdoor recreation areas on Facebook Share Open for community input on parks and outdoor recreation areas on Twitter Share Open for community input on parks and outdoor recreation areas on Linkedin Email Open for community input on parks and outdoor recreation areas link
Council is developing a new Open Space Strategy to guide its future planning and management of parks and open space in Tweed Shire.Input is invited from the public to help Council develop its open space priorities to better meet the needs of our growing community.Open space includes:- Parks
- Sportsgrounds
- Natural areas
- Foreshore areas
- Paths for walking and cycling
As part of the process, Council will also review its provision of playgrounds, outdoor fitness equipment,Click here to visit the Open Space Strategy page
Ploughing ahead to complete Sustainable Agriculture Strategy
Share Ploughing ahead to complete Sustainable Agriculture Strategy on Facebook Share Ploughing ahead to complete Sustainable Agriculture Strategy on Twitter Share Ploughing ahead to complete Sustainable Agriculture Strategy on Linkedin Email Ploughing ahead to complete Sustainable Agriculture Strategy link
Council is entering the final stages of community engagement to develop the Tweed Sustainable Agriculture Strategy, with a number of opportunities for the community to provide input during the next few months.Click here to provide your input by completing the community survey.
Agriculture is one of the main land uses in the Tweed Shire. However, a range of social, economic and environmental pressures - including an ageing farming population, changing land uses and increasing variability of environmental factors - are impacting on the viability of agriculture in the Tweed.
Council is developing a Tweed Shire Sustainable Agriculture Strategy that will identify actions to meet these challenges.
Click here to visit the Tweed Sustainable Agriculture Strategy page.
New backyard habitat program to boost wildlife
Share New backyard habitat program to boost wildlife on Facebook Share New backyard habitat program to boost wildlife on Twitter Share New backyard habitat program to boost wildlife on Linkedin Email New backyard habitat program to boost wildlife link
A new Backyard Habitat for Wildlife program for Tweed Shire will be launched tomorrow as part of the Living for the Future Home Expo, being held this year at the Murwillumbah Civic Centre.The new program supports suburban landholders who provide native habitat in their backyard.
In cities and suburban areas, backyard habitat provides an important sanctuary for native animals, particularly when habitat in surrounding areas is damaged or lost. Pockets of habitat provide important refuges for wildlife.
Visit the Backyard Habitat for Wildlife page
Click here to register for the Backyard Habitat for Wildlife programFurther information is available by contacting Council’s Project Officer – Biodiversity, Michael Corke, on (02) 6670 2592 or email
New use for Kingscliff Coast Guard traiing
Share New use for Kingscliff Coast Guard traiing on Facebook Share New use for Kingscliff Coast Guard traiing on Twitter Share New use for Kingscliff Coast Guard traiing on Linkedin Email New use for Kingscliff Coast Guard traiing linkResidents are invited to provide their ideas about future uses of the former Kingscliff Coast Guard training facility at Cudgen Creek.
Council is investigating options for the training building, at Kingscliff’s Ed Parker Rotary Park, which the coast guard unit vacated after ceasing operations in November last year.
The training headquarters is prominently positioned near the centre of town and on the banks of Cudgen Creek
Participate in the Kingscliff Coast Guard building online forum or send an emailed submission with your ideas.
Current engagement campaigns
Live Projects
Archived Projects
- Knox Park Master Plan
- Rural Villages Strategy
- Kingscliff Central Park Concept Plans
- Financial Assistance for Recycled Water Schemes
- Environmental Sustainability Strategy
- Tom Beatson Outlook (Razorback)
- Residential bulk waste collection
- Wilson Park - Banora Point East
- Kingscliff Coast Guard training building
Archived projects
Archived Projects
- Knox Park Master Plan
- Rural Villages Strategy
- Tyalgum Waste Transfer Station
- Pedestrian Access and Mobility Plan
- Access and Inclusion
- Tweed Housing Code
- Delivery Program and Operational Plan
- Kingscliff Central Park Concept Plans
- Community Strategic Plan
- Our Tweed Vision
- Anthonys Bridge replacement
- Financial Assistance for Recycled Water Schemes
- Environmental Sustainability Strategy
- Tom Beatson Outlook (Razorback)
- Residential bulk waste collection
- Wilson Park - Banora Point East
- Kingscliff Coast Guard training building
- Playground review
- Bin services for multi-unit housing
- Kingscliff - Dreamtime Beach Coastal Zone Management Plan
- Delivery Program and Community Strategic Plan
- Council's Compliance Policy
- Tweed Coast Rabbits
- Have your say about Kingscliff's future
- Fingal Head building heights review
- Draft Homelessness Policy
- Developer Servicing Plans for Water Supply and Sewerage
- Community Engagement Network
- Draft Community Engagement Strategy
- Kingscliff Foreshore Revitalisation
- Les Burger Fields youth space upgrade
- Sustainable Agriculture Strategy
- Tweed Coast Comprehensive Koala Plan of Management
- Tackling Mozzies Together
- Tweed River Estuary Coastal Management Program
- Tweed Shire Youth Council
- What's the Cultural Picture?
- Access and Inclusion 2018
- Have your say about Council's Procurement Policy
- Installation of new Outdoor Exercise Equipment
- Open Space Strategy and Implementation Plan
- Flood Markers Survey
- Draft - Illegal Dumping Strategy 2019-2021
- Draft Customer Experience Standards and Unreasonable Customer Conduct Policies
- Have your say about Council's Delivery Program and Operational Plan
- Let's Chat
- New landing fee for Murwillumbah Airfield
- Proposed licence to Pottsville & District Men's Shed Inc
- Protecting our paddock trees
- Changes to developing on land at risk of flood
- Cemeteries Community Conversations
- Community Engagement and Participation
- Low Rise Medium Density Housing Code Planning Proposal
- Neighbour Day 2019
- South Murwillumbah Floodplain Risk Management Study and Draft Plan
- Draft Water Supply and Wastewater Asset Management Plans
- South Murwillumbah Flood Levee Repair
- Design of elevated SPS switchboard platforms
- Draft Rural Land Strategy
- Industry Central Land Swap
- Draft Enterprise Risk Management Policy
- Proposal to establish an alcohol-free zone - Tweed Heads
- Draft Placemaking and Public Art Policy
- Proposed grant of lease over community land - Bogangar
- Proposal to rezone Palms Village, Tweed Heads
- Water Bottling Facilities
- Tweed Heads Civic & Cultural Centre upgrade project
- Proposed amendments to the Business Investment Policy
- Draft Tweed Voluntary House Raising Scheme
- Master Plan for Black Rocks Sports Field
- Community Development Strategy 2020–2027
- Rural Land Strategy- Exhibited November 2017 to February 2018
- Future of the Tweed - Local Strategic Planning Statement
- Murwilllumbah Civic Centre Auditorium upgrade
- Council's proposed Alcohol Free Zones 2021-2025
- Code of Meeting Practice (Archived)
- Fees and Charges 2021/2022 Revenue Policy Amendment
- Northern Rivers Rail Trail - Tweed section
- Murwillumbah Youth Festival
- Backyard Habitat for Wildlife
- Special Rate Variation service reduction and/or cuts
- Planning Proposal - 51 Rock Road, Bungalora
- Proposal to classify 6 parcels of land as operational
- Environmental Impact Statement for raising Clarrie Hall Dam
- Special Rate Variation
- Draft Scenic Landscape Strategy
- Closed Circuit Television in Public Places Policy
- Norries Headland Masterplan Project
- Amendment to Section 7.11 Contribution Plan No. 10, Cobaki Lakes
- Amendment to section 7.11 Contribution Plan No.23 - offsite parking (CP23)
- Proposed classification of land at Industry Central, South Murwillumbah
- Proposed lease of Council-owned community land, Ed Rotary Park, Sutherland Street
- Proposed classification of land Tweed Valley Way, South Murwillumbah
- Proposal to classify Operational Land, Altitude Aspire, Terranora
- Draft Scenic Landscape Protection Policy
- Anchorage Island Harbour Management
- Tweed riverbank stabilisation works - Riverside Park Uki
- Koala Beach Wildlife and Habitat Management Committee
- Rural Land Industry Management Committee
- Climate Ready Tweed
- Notice of proposed repeal of CP21 - Terranora Village Estate open space and community facilities
- Expression of Interest - Audit Risk and Improvement Committee
- Draft Internal Audit Charter
- Audit, Risk and Improvement Committee (ARIC) Terms of Reference
- Draft Data Breach Policy
- Councillor and Staff Interaction Policy 2022
- Draft Councillor and Staff Interaction Policy
- Draft Tweed Access and Inclusion Plan 2023 - 2026
- Proposed lease extension on Council-owned community land, Kingscliff
- Pedestrian Access, Tyalgum slip
- Caldera Rim Walk Draft Master Plan
- Register your interest for time capsule message
- Upgrade of Ray Pascoe Park
- Proposal to classify land as operational, Old Lismore Road, Murwillumbah
- Proposed Classification of land at Walmsleys Road, Bilambil Heights
- Proposed licence of Council-managed Crown Land, Pottsville
- Proposed lease of Council-owned land 1 Cooloon Street, Kunghur
- Proposed Road Closure Tweed Valley Way, Fernvale
- Proposed naming of footway between Viking and Gibson Street
- Proposed classification of land Tweed Valley Way, South Murwillumbah
- Proposed classification of Council-owned land, Doon Doon Road
- Proposed classification of land Terranora Road, Terranora
- Proposed re-classification of land Greenway Drive, Tweed Heads South
- Proposed classification of land Lundberg Drive, South Murwillumbah
- Proposal to classify land as operational, Condong Street, Murwillumbah
- Proposed road closure, Tygalgah
- Proposed classification of land Fraser Drive, Terranora
- Proposed classification of land, 39 West End Street, Murwillumbah
- Proposed licence of Council-managed Crown Land, Kingscliff
- Proposed licence of Council-owned community land, Tweed Heads
- Proposed licence of Council-owned Community Land, Tweed Heads Community Preschool
- Proposed license of Council-managed Crown Land, Murwillumbah
- Proposed licence of Council-managed Crown Land, Fernvale
- Proposed lease of Council-managed Crown Land
- Proposed licence of Council-owned community land, Chillingham
- Proposed licence of Council-owned community land, Piggabeen
- Proposed classification of land West End Street, Murwillumbah South
- Council's Financial Statements 2023-24
- Tweed Affordable Housing Strategy
- Proposed Road Closure Application for Unnamed Road Reserve at Prince Street, Murwillumbah
- Joint Regional Planning Panel Expression of Interest
- Proposed classification of land Amber Road
- Draft Delivery Program (2022/2026) and Operational Plan (2024/2025)
- Council's Financial Statements 2022-23
- Draft Debt Management and Hardship Policy
- Delivering our Future 2023-2024
- Advisory Committee Expressions of Interest 2024