Cemeteries Community Conversations

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Consultation has concluded

Panorama of the gardens at the Council owned cemetery at Environ

Cemetery Community Conversations have now concluded

Council recently held two workshop-style Community Conversations in Murwillumbah and Tweed Heads for members of the community to have their say on, “what does doing death well mean?”

Facilitated by Cemeteries Business Manager Helen Carter, the workshops were designed to open a dialogue on how Council can offer the best cemetery services possible for our community.

Traditional options such as burial plots and memorials to store ashes was discussed, as well as sustainable options such as eco burials, where loved ones are buried in a biodegradable casket and remembered with tree plantings.

The intention of workshops were to hear ideas from the community prior to developing a business plan for how Council will manage the 11 community cemeteries across the Tweed.

The Community Conversations were an opportunity for interested residents to engage with Helen, and with other members of the community, to ensure that Helen understood the needs of the community and how Council can best align services with community expectations.

Memorialising loved ones, as well as suggestions for ways to make better use of the history and spaces of our 11 community cemeteries was also discussed.

Join the forum

Let us know your thoughts on how to manage our cemeteries and ways to improve our services.

If you were not able to attend the Community Conversations, here is the presentation.

Cemetery Community Conversations have now concluded

Council recently held two workshop-style Community Conversations in Murwillumbah and Tweed Heads for members of the community to have their say on, “what does doing death well mean?”

Facilitated by Cemeteries Business Manager Helen Carter, the workshops were designed to open a dialogue on how Council can offer the best cemetery services possible for our community.

Traditional options such as burial plots and memorials to store ashes was discussed, as well as sustainable options such as eco burials, where loved ones are buried in a biodegradable casket and remembered with tree plantings.

The intention of workshops were to hear ideas from the community prior to developing a business plan for how Council will manage the 11 community cemeteries across the Tweed.

The Community Conversations were an opportunity for interested residents to engage with Helen, and with other members of the community, to ensure that Helen understood the needs of the community and how Council can best align services with community expectations.

Memorialising loved ones, as well as suggestions for ways to make better use of the history and spaces of our 11 community cemeteries was also discussed.

Join the forum

Let us know your thoughts on how to manage our cemeteries and ways to improve our services.

If you were not able to attend the Community Conversations, here is the presentation.

Discussions: All (1) Open (1)
  • Cemeteries Community Conversations

    by Gpuchtweed, over 5 years ago
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