Related Projects
Live Projects
Bray Park Weir Tidal Protection Project
December 2024 project update
In November 2023, Council resolved to continue investigating options to raise the Bray Park Weir by either 800mm or 1300mm, to reduce the risk of...
Archived Projects
Knox Park Master Plan
Council is planning a redevelopment of Knox Park in Murwillumbah, to better establish the park as a social hub for the district.Planning and designs for the first stage of...
Rural Villages Strategy
The Rural Villages Strategy has been prepared by the Strategic Planning and Urban Design Unit to provide a vision for the rural settlements of the Tweed Shire and to establish... -
Kingscliff Central Park Concept Plans
Tweed Shire Council is planning a new Kingscliff Central Park. Designed to provide a vibrant public open space linking the beach with the town's central business district, Council is keen...
Financial Assistance for Recycled Water Schemes
Currently, between five and 8.9 per cent of recycled water produced at Council's wastewater treatment plants is used. This is considerably lower than Council's longer term target of 15 per...
Environmental Sustainability Strategy
Tweed Shire Council has a strong emphasis and a proud history of managing its operations in a way that is environmentally proactive.The environmental impact of Council's activities and operations... -
Tom Beatson Outlook (Razorback)
What are your memories of Tom Beaston Outlook - commonly known as Razorback - and what does it mean to you?
The Outlook and walkway were last month closed to...
Residential bulk waste collection
Council is reviewing how it provides bulk waste disposal services for Tweed households.
The service currently operates as a scheduled biannual kerbside collection and Council is inviting community feedback on...
Wilson Park - Banora Point East
Council is finalising the design for a new playground at Wilson Park, in Banora Point East, after the original facility was removed during the Pacific Highway upgrade completed in 2012.
Kingscliff Coast Guard training building
Thank you to everyone who provided their ideas about future uses of the former Kingscliff Coast Guard building at Cudgen Creek.
Council is investigating options for the training building, at...
Playground review
For redirection
Bin services for multi-unit housing
Council is reviewing all residentially rated properties in Tweed Shire to ensure the correct waste charges are applied to each property, and that each has equal opportunity to access the...
Kingscliff - Dreamtime Beach Coastal Zone Management Plan
Kingscliff Beach has been subject to substantial erosion in recent years, prompting Council to prepare a Coastal Zone Management Plan (CZMP) for Kingscliff - Dreamtime Beach.The plan will provide... -
Delivery Program and Community Strategic Plan
Key Council planning documents adopted
The key planning documents that will guide the operations and activities of Council in coming years have recently been adopted and were published on July...
Council's Compliance Policy
One of the main functions of Council is protecting and sustaining community life and the environment through its role as a regulator for a large range of legal duties and...
Tweed Coast Rabbits
We want to know what you think about rabbits. In particular, what do you think about the rabbit population in the central Tweed Coast?
Council has recently conducted a survey...
Have your say about Kingscliff's future
The Kingscliff locality has the most rapid population growth in the Tweed and strategic planning is needed to manage future development.
The purpose of the Kingscliff Locality Plan (KLP) and...
Fingal Head building heights review
Draft Tweed Development Control Plan 2009 (DCP) Section A1 Amendment now on Exhibition
A Draft Amendment to the Tweed Development Control Plan (DCP) 2008 Section A1 Residential and Tourist...
Draft Homelessness Policy
Tweed Shire Council was one of the first local governments in New South Wales to introduce a Homelessness Policy in October 2015, demonstrating its commitment to such a significant social...
Developer Servicing Plans for Water Supply and Sewerage
Water Supply and Wastewater Developer Charges are applied to any development that creates new or increased demands on Tweed Shire Council water supply and wastewater systems.
Council's draft Development...
Community Engagement Network
The Community Engagement Network (CEN) provides an important and growing link between Council and the Tweed community.
The Community Engagement Network is a group of enthusiastic staff from across...
Draft Community Engagement Strategy
The Community Engagement Strategy was adopted unanimously on 2 August.
The Draft Community Engagement Strategy was On Exhibition from 4 December 2017 – 9 February 2018. During this period there...
Kingscliff Foreshore Revitalisation
The Kingscliff Foreshore Revitalisation, a three-stage $21.8 million project being undertaken by Council to protect and enhance facilities along the Kingscliff CBD coastline, is almost complete with the park set
... -
Les Burger Fields youth space upgrade
The youth recreation space at Cabarita Beach’s Les Burger Field will be upgraded and expanded during 2017.
Concept plans for the expansion have been produced and are on display for...
Sustainable Agriculture Strategy
Agriculture is one of the main land uses in the Tweed Shire.However, a range of social, economic and environmental pressures - including an ageing farming population, changing land uses...
Tweed Coast Comprehensive Koala Plan of Management
The Tweed Coast koala population has declined by approximately 50 per cent in the last decade and without action there is a very real risk that koalas could disappear from...
Tackling Mozzies Together
Hate mozzies buzzing around your home? Become a citizen scientist and learn about their breeding habitat and how to remove it while gathering important data in your backyard, courtyard or...
Tweed River Estuary Coastal Management Program
Council is preparing a new management plan for the Tweed River Estuary.
The Tweed River Estuary Coastal Management Program will provide recommendations for the future management of this...
Tweed Shire Youth Council
The Tweed Shire Youth Council is a student leadership and civic program to involve young people in local government decision making, to build a resilient youth population and provide opportunities...
What's the Cultural Picture?
Tweed Shire Council is preparing a shire-wide Cultural Plan.
The Cultural Plan provides a framework to guide Council’s engagement with cultural activities across the shire over the next four years.
Access and Inclusion 2018
In 2014 the NSW government passed legislation that says local councils must make Disability Inclusion Action Plans. In Tweed Shire we call this our Access and Inclusion Plan.
The reason...
Have your say about Council's Procurement Policy
On 17 April 2019 Council resolved to place the draft Procurement Policy V1.8 on public exhibition.
The draft Procurement Policy V1.8 is an update to the existing Procurement Policy V1.7... -
Installation of new Outdoor Exercise Equipment
Council will be installing new outdoor fitness equipment in several parks across the Tweed Shire between November 2019 and April 2020.
Council assessed potential sites for new outdoor fitness...
Open Space Strategy and Implementation Plan
Consultation has concluded
The Open Space Strategy 2019-2029 and Implementation Plan was adopted by Council on Thursday 15 August 2019.
The Strategy sets the vision for the future of open...
Flood Markers Survey
Council is updating its historic flood marker signs in flood-affected villages throughout the shire.
The main reason we erect these signs is to raise awareness of the flood risk and...
Draft - Illegal Dumping Strategy 2019-2021
On 21 February, 2019 Council endorsed the public exhibition of Draft Illegal Dumping Strategy 2019-2021.
We are seeking input from the community in preparation to have the draft strategy finalised...
Draft Customer Experience Standards and Unreasonable Customer Conduct Policies
This project is now complete, and Council adopted the updated policies at the Council meeting on 21 March 2019. The links to the adopted Policies can be found in the...
Have your say about Council's Delivery Program and Operational Plan
Tweed Shire Council is exhibiting the following documents:
- Draft Delivery Program 2017/2021
- Draft Operational Plan 2019/2020
- Draft Resourcing Strategy - Supporting the Community Strategic Plan 2017/2027
- Draft Revenue Policy and...
Let's Chat
Thank you to the 104 people that shared their...
New landing fee for Murwillumbah Airfield
Council proposes to introduce a $12 (ex GST) per landing fee at the Murwillumbah Bob Whittle Airfield.
Exemptions: This fee will not be applicable to nominated aircraft associated with Airfield...
Proposed licence to Pottsville & District Men's Shed Inc
Tweed Shire Council has amended its notice of intention to grant a licence to Pottsville & District Men’s Shed Inc. for the purpose of Men’s Shed activities. This amendment intends...
Protecting our paddock trees
Paddock trees are big, old, majestic native trees that often stand alone like sentinels from another time. They graciously provide shelter for stock, nectar for honeybees, hollows for nesting, and...
Changes to developing on land at risk of flood
The Tweed community is invited to have their say about a draft amendment to the Tweed Shire Development Control Plan (DCP) 2008 Section A3 – Development of Flood Liable Land...
Cemeteries Community Conversations
Cemetery Community Conversations have now concluded
Council recently held two workshop-style Community Conversations in Murwillumbah and Tweed Heads for members of the community to have their say on, “what does...
Community Engagement and Participation
The Tweed community are being encouraged to have their say about Council’s Draft Community Engagement and Participation Plan which is currently on exhibition. The Plan sets out a whole-of-council commitment...
Low Rise Medium Density Housing Code Planning Proposal
On Public Exhibition from 6 August to 3 September, 2019
Low Rise Medium Density Housing Code and Tweed Local Environmental Plan 2014 Amendment No.26
The NSW Government is introducing new...
Neighbour Day 2019
Neighbour Day is Australia’s annual celebration of community, encouraging people to connect with those who live in their neighbourhood.
Whether through a cuppa, a picnic in the park, or a...
South Murwillumbah Floodplain Risk Management Study and Draft Plan
In recognition of the significant flood risks associated with South Murwillumbah and surrounds, Council, with the assistance of specialist consultants, has prepared a local Floodplain Risk Management Study and Plan...
Draft Water Supply and Wastewater Asset Management Plans
Tweed Shire Council is exhibiting the following documents:
- Draft Water Supply Asset Management Plan
- Draft Wastewater Asset Management Plan
These Plans have been updated from previously adopted plans and cover...
South Murwillumbah Flood Levee Repair
South Murwillumbah was hit hard by floods in March 2017 in the wake of Tropical Cyclone Debbie. At the time, the area was described by Mayor Cr Katie Milne...
Design of elevated SPS switchboard platforms
Council is seeking community feedback on the design of three elevated sewer pump stations to be erected in flood-prone areas of the shire.
The existing electrical sewer pump station...
Draft Rural Land Strategy
Defined by the caldera of Mount Warning/Wollumbin, rural Tweed and the Tweed valley provides postcard scenery, a landscape diverse in natural features, which supports a complex mix of landuses.This...
Industry Central Land Swap
Expression of interest (EOI) was open from 26 November 2018 to 25 January 2019. We are currently reviewing and processing submissions.
Tweed Shire Council has settled on 14.02 hectares of...
Draft Enterprise Risk Management Policy
You are invited to provide feedback on Council's draft Enterprise Risk Management Policy.
Policy Background
There is always some uncertainty associated with the decisions and actions Council takes to...
Proposal to establish an alcohol-free zone - Tweed Heads
You are invited to provide feedback regarding the proposal to establish an alcohol-free zone at Wharf Street, between Bay Street and Kennedy Drive; River Terrace and Terranora Terrace, Tweed Heads.
Draft Placemaking and Public Art Policy
Overview of the draft Placemaking and Public Art Policy
A draft Placemaking and Public Art Policy has been developed. The draft policy provides an integrated approach to placemaking and public...
Proposed grant of lease over community land - Bogangar
You are invited to provide feedback regarding the proposal to grant a lease over community land, Bogangar.
The proposal
Council proposes to lease part of the Les Burger Sports Centre...
Proposal to rezone Palms Village, Tweed Heads
You are invited to review and provide a submission on a Planning Proposal that seeks to rezone land adjoining the Palms Village Caravan Park in Tweed Heads to facilitate:
- integration...
Water Bottling Facilities
The Planning Proposal to Remove Enabling Clause 7.15 from the Tweed Local Environmental Plan 2014 for Water Bottling Facilities in the RU2 Zone was placed on public exhibition from 20...
Tweed Heads Civic & Cultural Centre upgrade project
Tweed Heads Civic and Cultural Centre opening event
An exciting opening event is being planned for the community to celebrate the completion of the $1.2 million Tweed Heads Civic and...
Proposed amendments to the Business Investment Policy
The Tweed community are being encouraged to have their say about the proposed changes to Council’s Business Investment Policy which is currently on exhibition.
The Policy supports businesses by offering...
Draft Tweed Voluntary House Raising Scheme
The Tweed contains many flood prone houses that are subject to over-floor flooding in minor and moderate flood events. The economic and social burden of flooding on the community...
Master Plan for Black Rocks Sports Field
The Tweed community are invited to have their say about Council's draft Black Rocks Sports Field Master Plan, and the supporting documents, which are currently on exhibition.
The purpose of...
Community Development Strategy 2020–2027
Overview of the final Community Development Strategy 2020 – 2027
Council received a total of 20 formal submissions during the public exhibition period for the Community Development Strategy. A number...
Rural Land Strategy- Exhibited November 2017 to February 2018
Rural land in the Tweed serves a range of functions and values including farming, environmental protection, tourism, rural industries and rural housing. In recent decades, continual pressure to change land...
Future of the Tweed - Local Strategic Planning Statement
Local residents and visitors to the Tweed are invited to have their say on the Tweed Local Strategic Planning Statement ‘the Statement’ which sets out the 20 year vision for...
Murwilllumbah Civic Centre Auditorium upgrade
Major refurbishment of the Murwillumbah Civic Centre Auditorium has been completed transforming it into a state-of-the-art performance venue that will enhance the cultural richness and vibrancy of the Tweed community.
Council's proposed Alcohol Free Zones 2021-2025
The public exhibition period for Councils proposal to re-establish alcohol free zones in selected areas of the Tweed has now closed.
Benefits to residents
Alcohol Free Zones allow early intervention...
Code of Meeting Practice (Archived)
Each council in NSW is required to adopt a Code of Meeting Practice based on the Model Code of Meeting Practice prescribed under the Local Government (General) Regulation 2005.
Fees and Charges 2021/2022 Revenue Policy Amendment
Should Council have the option to waive or reduce fees after a natural disaster event?
You're invited to have your say on the proposal to amend the Fees and Charges...
Northern Rivers Rail Trail - Tweed section
Community consultation for this project has concluded
The brand-new Northern Rivers Rail Trail website is now live. Visit today and start planning your first adventure with us. Jump online and...
Murwillumbah Youth Festival
What’s your big idea for Murwillumbah?
At the Murwillumbah Youth Festival, we are asking:
“What is your big idea to make Murwillumbah better for young people?
We know that brilliant...
Backyard Habitat for Wildlife
The Backyard Habitat for Wildlife program supports suburban landholders who provide native habitat in their backyard.
In cities and suburban areas, backyard habitat provides an important sanctuary for native animals...
Special Rate Variation service reduction and/or cuts
Service Reduction
Impacted Stakeholders
Amount $
Growers Market
Close growers market, revoke stall licenses (if any) and remove services. Maintain occasionally under other road budgets.
Market stall holders (typically...
Planning Proposal - 51 Rock Road, Bungalora
What is proposed?
- Amend the Tweed Local Environmental Plan 2014 (Tweed LEP 2014) in order to secure dwelling entitlement for the property at 51 Rock Road, Bungalora (Lot 2 DP880732).
- ...
Proposal to classify 6 parcels of land as operational
Project update 22 August - Planning Proposal PP21/003 has been made.
This Planning Proposal (PP21/0003) seeks to reclassify 6 land parcels from community to operational.
Land subject to this planning...
Environmental Impact Statement for raising Clarrie Hall Dam
Why raise the dam wall?
To secure sustainable water sources for the Tweed in the long-term, Council is undertaking a number of projects including raising the Clarrie Hall Dam wall...
Special Rate Variation
Update 23 June 2023
Council has approved a Special Rate Variation and the Budget for 2023/2 financial year. From 1 July 2023 general rates will increase by 6.35%.
The decision...
Draft Scenic Landscape Strategy
Overview of the draft Strategy
The Tweed is a much visited and fast growing part of New South Wales, recognised for its beautiful natural environment and scenic landscape. It is...
Closed Circuit Television in Public Places Policy
This Policy was adopted by Council in February 2021. View the Policy here.
You are invited to have your say on the Draft Closed Circuit Television in Public Places...
Norries Headland Masterplan Project
Contributions closed on Sunday 10 October 2021. Community feedback was reviewed and used to inform the final plan that was adopted by Council. Thank you for your input.
Norris Head
... -
Amendment to Section 7.11 Contribution Plan No. 10, Cobaki Lakes
Update 28 June 2023
CP10 was approved by Council on 22 June and comes into effect on 29 June 2023.
The Adopted Report and Council Resolution are now available in...
Amendment to section 7.11 Contribution Plan No.23 - offsite parking (CP23)
Project update 02 May
Thank you for your feedback. All submissions have been reviewed.
The Final Report on amendment to section 7.11 of Contribution Plan No.23 - offsite parking is...
Proposed classification of land at Industry Central, South Murwillumbah
The submission period for this proposal is now closed.
At its meeting on 15 August 2024 Council resolved to classify the land as operational.
Council is seeking local community feedback...
Proposed lease of Council-owned community land, Ed Rotary Park, Sutherland Street
Submissions on this proposal were open from 13 March to 10 April 2024. 2 submissions were received.
Council granted the lease for the term advertised.
Council proposes to grant a...
Proposed classification of land Tweed Valley Way, South Murwillumbah
Submissions on this proposal were open from 28 Feb to 27 March 2024. No submissions were received.
At its meeting on 18 April 2024 Council resolved to classify the land
... -
Proposal to classify Operational Land, Altitude Aspire, Terranora
Submissions on this proposal were open from 31 May to 29 June 2023. 5 submissions were received via email.
At its meeting on 17 August 2023 Council resolved to classify...
Draft Scenic Landscape Protection Policy
Thank you for having your say. This consultation has now closed.
This Policy was adopted at the June Planning Committee meeting. Community feedback was invited from 3 April to 15
... -
Anchorage Island Harbour Management
Project update 14 May 2024
This consultation has now closed. This project was open for community feedback from 22 November 2023 to 15 January 2024.
21 people completed the online...
Tweed riverbank stabilisation works - Riverside Park Uki
This project was completed in early December 2023.
Tweed Shire Council has started work at Riverside Park, Uki. See the 'news feed' section at the bottom of this...
Koala Beach Wildlife and Habitat Management Committee
The EOIs for the Koala Beach Wildlife and Habitat Management Committee were open from 22 March 2023 - 19 April 2023.
The Koala Beach Wildlife and Habitat Management Committee formed... -
Rural Land Industry Management Committee
Expressions of Interest to join the Rural Land Industry Management Committee were open from 22 March 2023 - 19 April 2023.
Applicants notified of outcome in Early June 2023. The
... -
Climate Ready Tweed
This consultation has now closed. Survey submissions were open from 16 November 2022 to 30 January 2023.Read the final Griffith Climate Action Beacon report from the Climate Ready Tweed... -
Notice of proposed repeal of CP21 - Terranora Village Estate open space and community facilities
This consultation has concluded. This notice of intention to repeal opened on 1 March 2023 and notice of intention to repeal concluded on 15 March 2023.At its meeting of... -
Expression of Interest - Audit Risk and Improvement Committee
Thanks for expressing your interest in joining our Audit Risk and Improvement Committee – EOIs are now closed.
Expressions of interest were invited from 26 July to 18 August 2023.
Draft Internal Audit Charter
Thank you for having your say on Council's draft Internal Audit Charter policy document – submissions are now closed.
Community feedback was invited from 18 December 2023 July to 26...
Audit, Risk and Improvement Committee (ARIC) Terms of Reference
Thank you for having your say on Council's Audit, Risk and Improvement Committee (ARIC) Terms of Reference – submissions are now closed.
Community feedback was invited from 18 December 2023...
Draft Data Breach Policy
Thank you for having your say on Council's draft Data Breach Policy document – submissions are now closed.
Community feedback was invited from 27 September to 25 October 2023.
Councillor and Staff Interaction Policy 2022
Thank you for having your say on Council's draft Councillor Staff and Interaction Policy document – submissions are now closed.
Community feedback was invited from 6 July to 16 August...
Draft Councillor and Staff Interaction Policy
Thank you for having your say on Council's draft Councillor and Staff Interaction Policy document – submissions are now closed.
Community feedback was invited from 27 March to 24 April...
Draft Tweed Access and Inclusion Plan 2023 - 2026
Consultation has now closed. The draft Tweed Access and Inclusion Plan 2023 – 2026 was on public exhibition from 11 October to 08 November 2023 with 21 submissions and feedback... -
Proposed lease extension on Council-owned community land, Kingscliff
Submissions for this proposal have now closed.
It was on public exhibition from 5 June to 8 July 2024. Approximately 54 submissions were received via Your Say Tweed.
99 Elrond
... -
Pedestrian Access, Tyalgum slip
Project Update 3 August: This survey has now closed. All feedback will be reviewed to help inform an Access Plan for the Tyalgum Extreme slip works site.
The extreme slip...
Caldera Rim Walk Draft Master Plan
Have your say on Caldera Rim Walk Master Plan
NSW National Parks and Wildlife is planning a Caldera Rim Walk in Wollumbin National Park and is inviting community feedback on -
Register your interest for time capsule message
This consultation has now closed. Council has endeavoured to contact owners and return all identified items. Remaining salvageable items remain safely stored. Please contact Council with any enquiries on 02...
Upgrade of Ray Pascoe Park
Ray Pascoe Park
Construction has now completed.
Ray Pascoe Park was officially opened on the 2nd of August 2024. This project is now complete.
Construction for the upgrade began in...
Proposal to classify land as operational, Old Lismore Road, Murwillumbah
The submission period for this proposal is closed.
Council is in the process of acquiring Lot 2 in DP1114894 at 11 Old Lismore Road in Murwillumbah. Council proposes to resolve...
Proposed Classification of land at Walmsleys Road, Bilambil Heights
The submission period for this proposal is now closed.
Council is in the process of acquiring proposed Lot 94 in DP1284146 in a plan of Subdivision Lots 1 & 2...
Proposed licence of Council-managed Crown Land, Pottsville
No submissions were received for the proposed licence of Council-managed Crown Land in Pottsville. The licence has been granted and issued.
Council, as Crown Land Manager under the Crown Lands...
Proposed lease of Council-owned land 1 Cooloon Street, Kunghur
Consultation was open from 15 May to 12 June 2024.
No submissions were received for the proposed lease of Council-owned land. The lease has been granted and issued.
Council proposes...
Proposed Road Closure Tweed Valley Way, Fernvale
Submissions on this proposal were open from 23 August to 20 September 2023.
No objections were received, Council resolved to approve the closure and sale of the road.
Proposed Road...
Proposed naming of footway between Viking and Gibson Street
Submissions on this proposal were open from 13 March to 5 April 2024.
Council resolved to submit a review request to the Geographical Naming Board, no objections were received.
Proposed classification of land Tweed Valley Way, South Murwillumbah
Submissions on this proposal were open from 24 January to 21 February 2024.
No submissions were received. At its meeting on 16 May 2024, Council resolved to classify the land...
Proposed classification of Council-owned land, Doon Doon Road
Submissions on this proposal were open from 28 February to 27 March 2024.
No submissions were received. At its meeting on 18 April 2024, Council resolved to classify the land...
Proposed classification of land Terranora Road, Terranora
Submissions were open from 17 January to 14 February 2024.
No submissions were received. At its meeting on 21 March 2024, Council resolved to classify the land as operational.
Proposed re-classification of land Greenway Drive, Tweed Heads South
Submissions on this proposal were open from 17 January to 14 February 2024.
No submissions were received. At its meeting on 21 March 2024, Council resolved to classify the land...
Proposed classification of land Lundberg Drive, South Murwillumbah
Submissions on this proposal were open from 14 December 2023 to 11 January 2024.
No submissions were received. At its meeting on 1 February 2024, Council resolved to classify the...
Proposal to classify land as operational, Condong Street, Murwillumbah
Submissions on this proposal were open from 2 February 2023 to 8 March 2023.
No submissions were received. At its meeting on 6 April 2023, Council resolved to classify the...
Proposed road closure, Tygalgah
Submissions on this proposal were open from 29 March to 26 April 2023.
No submissions were received. At its meeting on 21 April 2022, Council resolved to close the road...
Proposed classification of land Fraser Drive, Terranora
Submissions on this proposal were open from 6 December 2023 to 3 January 2024.
No submissions were received. At its meeting on 20 April 2023, Council resolved to classify the...
Proposed classification of land, 39 West End Street, Murwillumbah
Submissions on this proposal were open from 6 March to 3 April 2024.
Two submissions were received. At its meeting on 13 July 2024, Council resolved to classify the land...
Proposed licence of Council-managed Crown Land, Kingscliff
Submissions on this proposal were open from 8 November to 6 December 2023.
No submissions were received. A one-year licence has been granted to Kingscliff Mini School.
Proposed licence of
... -
Proposed licence of Council-owned community land, Tweed Heads
Submissions on this proposal were open from 8 November to 18 December 2023.
Council initially proposed a one-year licence agreement but re-negotiated the term to a five-year licence with the...
Proposed licence of Council-owned Community Land, Tweed Heads Community Preschool
Submissions on this proposal were open from 1 November to 29 November 2023.
No submissions were received. Council has granted a new one-year licence agreement to Tweed Heads Community Preschool...
Proposed license of Council-managed Crown Land, Murwillumbah
Submissions on this proposal were open from 12 July to 9 August 2023.
No submissions were received. A new five-year licence agreement with Murwillumbah Community Centre has been granted as...
Proposed licence of Council-managed Crown Land, Fernvale
Submissions on this proposal were open from 13 June to 14 July 2023.
No submissions were received. A five-year licence has been granted to Murwillumbah Potters as advertised, replacing the...
Proposed lease of Council-managed Crown Land
Submissions on this proposal were open from 24 May to 21 June 2023.
No submissions were received. Council approved granting a new five-year lease for the use of Council-managed Crown...
Proposed licence of Council-owned community land, Chillingham
Submissions on this proposal were open from 29 March to 26 April 2023.
No submissions were received. A five-year licence has been granted Council as advertised.
Council proposed to grant... -
Proposed licence of Council-owned community land, Piggabeen
Submissions on this proposal were open from 29 March to 26 April 2023.
No submissions were received. A five-year licence has been granted by Council as advertised.
Council proposes to... -
Proposed classification of land West End Street, Murwillumbah South
Submissions on this proposal were open from 30 August 2023 to 27 September 2023.
At its meeting on 26 October 2023, Council resolved to classify the land as operational.
Council's Financial Statements 2023-24
Public notice: Presentation of Financial Statements 2023-24
Each year, individual Local Governments across NSW are required to present a set of audited financial statements to their Council and community.
Tweed Affordable Housing Strategy
The Tweed Affordable Housing Strategy has been adopted following community input. The draft Tweed Affordable Strategy was on public exhibition from 27 June to 7 August 2024 and received 49...
Proposed Road Closure Application for Unnamed Road Reserve at Prince Street, Murwillumbah
Thank you for your feedback, contributions to this consultation are closed for evaluation and review.
Tweed Shire Council proposes to close a section of the Council public road listed below: ...
Joint Regional Planning Panel Expression of Interest
The Joint Regional Planning Panel (JRPP) system was first established by the NSW Government in 2009. The planning panel responsible for matters concerning Tweed Shire is the Northern Regional Planning...
Proposed classification of land Amber Road
Tweed Shire Council has recently acquired Lot 12 in Deposited Plan 258721 (1 Amber Road, Tweed Heads South). The lot is outlined in the location diagram shown below.
Council proposes... -
Draft Delivery Program (2022/2026) and Operational Plan (2024/2025)
Thank you for having your say on Council's draft Delivery Program (2022/2026) and Operational Plan (2024/2025) – submissions are now closed.
Community feedback was invited from 22 April to 20...
Council's Financial Statements 2022-23
Thank you for reviewing Council’s Audited Financial Statements for the year ended 30 June 2023 – written submissions are now closed.
Submissions were invited from 8 November 2023 to 23...
Draft Debt Management and Hardship Policy
Thank you for having your say on Council's draft Debt Management and Hardship Policy – submissions are now closed.
Community feedback was invited from 4 July to 1 August 2023.
Delivering our Future 2023-2024
Thank you for having your say on Council's draft Delivery Program (2022/2026) and Operational Plan (2023/2024) – submissions are now closed.
The documents were prepared on the basis of the...
Advisory Committee Expressions of Interest 2024
Expressions of Interest are now closed.
Applications will be considered by a selection panel and member recommendations will be made to the Council meeting on Thursday 24 October 2024. Applicants...