Community Strategic Plan
Consultation has concluded
We want you, your colleagues, friends and neighbours to guide and help shape our vision for the Tweed by participating in the creation of the Community Strategic Plan.
The visions in the Community Strategic Plan will reflect your aspirations and priorities and those of the whole community, so it is important you participate and have your say.
What do you believe are the most important goals for the Tweed over the next 10 years? What is your vision? Is there something that is more important to you now than it was a few years ago? Have your say and shape a vision for the Tweed.
The 2011/2021 Tweed Community Strategic Plan is built around the four themes of Civic Leadership, Supporting Community Life, Strengthening the Economy, and Caring for the Environment. What are your ideas and what are the important things Council and the community must do in each of these areas?
We want you, your colleagues, friends and neighbours to guide and help shape our vision for the Tweed by participating in the creation of the Community Strategic Plan.
The visions in the Community Strategic Plan will reflect your aspirations and priorities and those of the whole community, so it is important you participate and have your say.
What do you believe are the most important goals for the Tweed over the next 10 years? What is your vision? Is there something that is more important to you now than it was a few years ago? Have your say and shape a vision for the Tweed.
The 2011/2021 Tweed Community Strategic Plan is built around the four themes of Civic Leadership, Supporting Community Life, Strengthening the Economy, and Caring for the Environment. What are your ideas and what are the important things Council and the community must do in each of these areas?
Civic Leadership: setting the overall direction and long term goals for the Tweed in line with community aspirations.
over 14 years agoShare Civic Leadership: setting the overall direction and long term goals for the Tweed in line with community aspirations. on Facebook Share Civic Leadership: setting the overall direction and long term goals for the Tweed in line with community aspirations. on Twitter Share Civic Leadership: setting the overall direction and long term goals for the Tweed in line with community aspirations. on Linkedin Email Civic Leadership: setting the overall direction and long term goals for the Tweed in line with community aspirations. link53 ResponsesCLOSED: This discussion has concluded.You might like to consider and contribute ideas on how Council and the community can:
- Ensure actions taken and decisions reached are based on the principles of sustainability
- Improve decision making by engaging stakeholders and seeking community involvement
- Deliver services through adequate resources, best value options and ensure capacity to maintain community assets
- Strengthen coordination among Commonwealth and State governments and their agencies and other service providers to avoid duplication, synchronise service delivery and seek economies of scale.
- Manage and plan for a balance between population growth, urban development and environmental protection.
Supporting Community Life: creating a place where people are healthy, safe, connected and in harmony with the natural environment to retain and improve the quality of community life.
over 14 years agoShare Supporting Community Life: creating a place where people are healthy, safe, connected and in harmony with the natural environment to retain and improve the quality of community life. on Facebook Share Supporting Community Life: creating a place where people are healthy, safe, connected and in harmony with the natural environment to retain and improve the quality of community life. on Twitter Share Supporting Community Life: creating a place where people are healthy, safe, connected and in harmony with the natural environment to retain and improve the quality of community life. on Linkedin Email Supporting Community Life: creating a place where people are healthy, safe, connected and in harmony with the natural environment to retain and improve the quality of community life. linkCLOSED: This discussion has concluded.You might like to consider and contribute ideas on how Council and the community can:
- Foster strong, cohesive, cooperative, healthy and safe communities
- Improve opportunities for affordable housing and housing choice
- Provide well-serviced neighbourhoods
- Provide vibrant and accessible town, community and business centres
- Improve urban design
Strengthening the Economy: strengthening and diversifying the region’s economic base in a way that complements the environmental and social values of the Tweed.
over 14 years agoShare Strengthening the Economy: strengthening and diversifying the region’s economic base in a way that complements the environmental and social values of the Tweed. on Facebook Share Strengthening the Economy: strengthening and diversifying the region’s economic base in a way that complements the environmental and social values of the Tweed. on Twitter Share Strengthening the Economy: strengthening and diversifying the region’s economic base in a way that complements the environmental and social values of the Tweed. on Linkedin Email Strengthening the Economy: strengthening and diversifying the region’s economic base in a way that complements the environmental and social values of the Tweed. linkCLOSED: This discussion has concluded.You might like to consider and contribute ideas on how Council and the community can:
- Expand employment, tourism and education opportunities
- Retain prime agricultural land, farm viability and manage rural subdivision and associated landscape impacts
- Maintain and enhance the Tweed lifestyle and environmental qualities as an attraction to business and tourism
- Provide land and infrastructure to underpin economic development and employment
Caring for the Environment: encouraging Council and the community to value, respect and actively participate in the care and management of our natural environment for current and future generations.
over 14 years agoShare Caring for the Environment: encouraging Council and the community to value, respect and actively participate in the care and management of our natural environment for current and future generations. on Facebook Share Caring for the Environment: encouraging Council and the community to value, respect and actively participate in the care and management of our natural environment for current and future generations. on Twitter Share Caring for the Environment: encouraging Council and the community to value, respect and actively participate in the care and management of our natural environment for current and future generations. on Linkedin Email Caring for the Environment: encouraging Council and the community to value, respect and actively participate in the care and management of our natural environment for current and future generations. linkCLOSED: This discussion has concluded.You might like to consider and contribute your ideas on how we can:
- Protect the environment and natural beauty of the Tweed
- Conserve native flora and fauna and their habitats
- Maintain and enhance the Tweed’s waterways and its catchments
- Manage the Tweed coastline to ensure a balance between utilisation and conservation
- Improve the environmental capacity of Tweed agricultural lands
Quick Poll
Key Dates
26 September 2010
07 November 2010