Results - Council's Service Planning Survey

Council’s recent survey into the delivery of key services across the shire has highlighted the value of quality roads and water infrastructure to the Tweed community.
Road services (including traffic, footpaths and cycleways) were rated a priority by almost two thirds of Tweed residents, followed by Water Supply and Parks and Gardens.
The survey also measured community satisfaction with the delivery of 34 Council services and showed, on average, residents were ‘very satisfied’ with the services they used with an overall satisfaction rating of almost 85 per cent.
Cemeteries, the Art Gallery and Aquatic Centres were among the top rating services in terms of satisfaction while Roads had the lowest satisfaction score of 67 per cent.
Click here to see a summary of the survey results
Click here for the Council services descriptions and full results
Council General Manager Troy Green said almost 1700 responses to the survey were received from 82 different localities across Tweed Shire.
“On behalf of Council, I would like to thank everyone who participated in the survey, through the Tweed Link, online or at one of our many Community Engagement Network events,” he said.
“The overall satisfaction rating of almost 85 per cent is particularly encouraging, while the priority and importance ratings covered the span of Council’s functions from infrastructure and planning, to environmental, cultural and community services.
“The survey also asked residents to share their vision for the Tweed of the future. The recurring themes for Council were about listening to the community and finding the balance between supporting community growth and protection of the environment.
“These individual responses also highlighted important areas where Council has room to improve.
“All the information has been provided to Councillors and the responses have now been incorporated into key Council planning documents including our Delivery Program/Operational Plan which are soon to go on public exhibition.
“Many individual survey comments also feature throughout our Draft Community Strategic Plan 2017–2027.”
The survey was distributed to households late last year via a special edition of the Tweed Link and was available online.
The team from Council’s Community Engagement Network also completed hundreds of surveys with Tweed residents at public events and locations across the shire.
The survey asked respondents to provide feedback on:
Satisfaction - if you use the service, how satisfied are you with how the service is delivered? If you are unaware of, or do not use the service, please select N/A (results below are represented as an average satisfaction rating percentage - scale: extremely satisfied, very satisfied, moderately satisfied, not satisfied, N/A - do not use service)
Community importance - how important do you feel these services are to the community? (results below are represented as a rating scale between 1 to 5 - scale: 1. extremely important, 2. very important, 3. moderately important, 4. slightly important, 5. not important)
Council priorities - what five services do you feel should be an increased priority for Council? (results below listed by percentage of respondents who identified service as a priority)
Consultation has concluded