Community Infrastructure Framework

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Tweed Shire Council aims to improve how we plan, manage and deliver community and cultural facilities across the shire.

To help us do this, we gathered information from community and tenants/occupants of Council’s community and cultural facilities; analysis of Council's asset management records and audits were conducted. This information helps us to understand the community's current and future infrastructure needs.

In October 2014 Council adopted the Community Infrastructure Framework. The framework acts as a guide for how Council plans, designs, delivers and manages its community and cultural facilities.

The framework supports a network approach, which means that Council will consider how we will design, locate and manage facilities to complement existing community facilities and spaces across Tweed Shire (rather than operating as individual facilities).

There are four key areas in this stage of engagement we need to consider when planning community infrastructure:

  1. Community Feedback – What you, other users of Council facilities, and the general public say that they need.
  2. Audit and actual demand – Council has a responsibility under the Local Government Act NSW 1993 to ensure that the goods, services and facilities we deliver, own, and/or manage carry out activities that meet the current and future needs of the community; and are maintained and renewed accordingly.
  3. Demographics and social trends - How our community is predicted to change in to the future.
  4. Standards of Service – Ensuring that we deliver appropriate service for our population now and into the future.

This is currently a closed consultation forum for occupants/tenants of Council owned facilities. A broader cconsultation phase will follow in conjunction with the development of the Community Development Strategy.

Tweed Shire Council aims to improve how we plan, manage and deliver community and cultural facilities across the shire.

To help us do this, we gathered information from community and tenants/occupants of Council’s community and cultural facilities; analysis of Council's asset management records and audits were conducted. This information helps us to understand the community's current and future infrastructure needs.

In October 2014 Council adopted the Community Infrastructure Framework. The framework acts as a guide for how Council plans, designs, delivers and manages its community and cultural facilities.

The framework supports a network approach, which means that Council will consider how we will design, locate and manage facilities to complement existing community facilities and spaces across Tweed Shire (rather than operating as individual facilities).

There are four key areas in this stage of engagement we need to consider when planning community infrastructure:

  1. Community Feedback – What you, other users of Council facilities, and the general public say that they need.
  2. Audit and actual demand – Council has a responsibility under the Local Government Act NSW 1993 to ensure that the goods, services and facilities we deliver, own, and/or manage carry out activities that meet the current and future needs of the community; and are maintained and renewed accordingly.
  3. Demographics and social trends - How our community is predicted to change in to the future.
  4. Standards of Service – Ensuring that we deliver appropriate service for our population now and into the future.

This is currently a closed consultation forum for occupants/tenants of Council owned facilities. A broader cconsultation phase will follow in conjunction with the development of the Community Development Strategy.

Discussions: All (2) Open (0)
  • There are a whole range of community facilities in the Tweed including, but not limited to Council facilities. How well is this existing network of facilities meeting the needs of the community?

    over 5 years ago
    Share There are a whole range of community facilities in the Tweed including, but not limited to Council facilities. How well is this existing network of facilities meeting the needs of the community? on Facebook Share There are a whole range of community facilities in the Tweed including, but not limited to Council facilities. How well is this existing network of facilities meeting the needs of the community? on Twitter Share There are a whole range of community facilities in the Tweed including, but not limited to Council facilities. How well is this existing network of facilities meeting the needs of the community? on Linkedin Email There are a whole range of community facilities in the Tweed including, but not limited to Council facilities. How well is this existing network of facilities meeting the needs of the community? link
    CLOSED: This discussion has concluded.

    You need to be signed in to add your comment.

    Check out this interactive map to view all of the community facilities across the Shire.

    The following documents may also assist you to answer this question. You can find these on the right hand  side of this page:

    • Our approach to managing community infrastructure
      - Vision and principles

    • What community facilities are provided by Council?
      - Inventory

    • 1. What feedback have we received from you and the community to date?
      - 1. Community feedback

    • 2. Condition, capacity and functionality of facilities?
      - 2. Audit and actual demand

    • 3. Who lives in the Tweed now and in to the future?
      - 3. Tweed Shire Demographics 
      - 3a Coastal District Demographics
      - 3b Mur-bah and Hinterland District Demographics
      - 3c Tweed Urban District Demographics
    Replies Closed
  • There are a whole range of community facilities in the Tweed including, but not limited to Council facilities. When you consider all of these community facilities, are there any gaps?

    over 5 years ago
    Share There are a whole range of community facilities in the Tweed including, but not limited to Council facilities. When you consider all of these community facilities, are there any gaps? on Facebook Share There are a whole range of community facilities in the Tweed including, but not limited to Council facilities. When you consider all of these community facilities, are there any gaps? on Twitter Share There are a whole range of community facilities in the Tweed including, but not limited to Council facilities. When you consider all of these community facilities, are there any gaps? on Linkedin Email There are a whole range of community facilities in the Tweed including, but not limited to Council facilities. When you consider all of these community facilities, are there any gaps? link
    CLOSED: This discussion has concluded.

    You need to be signed in to add your comment.

    Check out this interactive map to view all of the community facilities across the Shire.

    The following documents may also assist you to answer this question. The following documents may assist you to answer this question. You can find these on the right hand  side of this page:

    • 3. Who lives in the Tweed now and in to the future?
       - 3. Tweed Shire Demographics
      - 3a Coastal District Demographics
      - 3b Mur-bah and Hinterland District Demographics
      - 3c Tweed Urban District Demographics

    • 4. What are the desired standards of service?
       - Standards of service
    Replies Closed
Page last updated: 10 May 2021, 01:49 PM