Proposed classification of land Tweed Valley Way, South Murwillumbah
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Submissions on this proposal were open from 28 Feb to 27 March 2024. No submissions were received.
At its meeting on 18 April 2024 Council resolved to classify the land as operational.
Council is in the process of acquiring part of 25 Tweed Valley Way, South Murwillumbah (Lot 1 in Deposited Plan 1300595). Council proposes to resolve to classify the land as operational land in accordance with the provisions of section 31(2) of the Local Government Act 1993. The intended use of the land is for an elevated switchboard platform for sewerage purposes. The area to be acquired is shown in blue in the map.
What is Operational Land?
The Local Government Act 1993 requires all public land to be classified as either community or operational. Community land is land council makes available for use by the public, for example parks or sports grounds.
Operational Land is land which facilitates the functions of council and may not be open to the public, for example a works depot or a council pound. This classification also determines land management and dealings: community land requires a plan of management and must not be sold, exchanged or otherwise disposed of by a council. There are no such special restrictions on council powers to manage, dispose or change the nature of operational land.
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Submissions have now closed, thank you for your feedback.
Submissions on this proposal were open from 28 Feb to 27 March 2024. No submissions were received.
At its meeting on 18 April 2024 Council resolved to classify the land as operational.
Council is in the process of acquiring part of 25 Tweed Valley Way, South Murwillumbah (Lot 1 in Deposited Plan 1300595). Council proposes to resolve to classify the land as operational land in accordance with the provisions of section 31(2) of the Local Government Act 1993. The intended use of the land is for an elevated switchboard platform for sewerage purposes. The area to be acquired is shown in blue in the map.
What is Operational Land?
The Local Government Act 1993 requires all public land to be classified as either community or operational. Community land is land council makes available for use by the public, for example parks or sports grounds.
Operational Land is land which facilitates the functions of council and may not be open to the public, for example a works depot or a council pound. This classification also determines land management and dealings: community land requires a plan of management and must not be sold, exchanged or otherwise disposed of by a council. There are no such special restrictions on council powers to manage, dispose or change the nature of operational land.
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Submissions have now closed, thank you for your feedback.
You are invited to make a submission until 4pm, 27 March 2024.
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