Tweed Regional Museum Management Committee EOI 2024

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Museum attendees conversing at the recent Omnia Exhibition launch

Expressions of Interest are now open to join the Tweed Regional Museum Management Committee, closing 15 September 2024.

The purpose of the Tweed Regional Museum Management Committee is to advise Council Officers on all matters relating to the development, management, care, control, funding, policies and future developments of Tweed Regional Museum.

Learn more about Tweed Regional Museum.

What is a Management Committee?

Management Committees are an important part of Council’s commitment to community engagement. They are defined as a group of suitably experienced people appointed to give operational support, considered advice and recommendations to Management (officers) for an operational purpose for a specific program area or project.

What is the role of the Tweed Regional Museum Management Committee?

The Committee's role is to:

  • Formally approve acquisitions and de-accessions from the Museum Collection, on the recommendation of the Museum Director.
  • Review and recommend revisions, in consultation with the Museum Director, of the Museum’s Strategic Plan and all policies that are the basis of the Museum’s programs and operations.
  • Advise Council Officers on and support future developments of the Museum.
  • Promote community awareness of the value and work of the Museum and to assist with fundraising and advocacy.

What does a Committee Member need to do?

Member responsibilities include:

  • Attend scheduled meetings (minimum 4 per year).
  • Share relevant experience and knowledge to assist with acquisitions and de-accessions from the Museum Collection, and review policies and plans.
  • Maintain familiarity with Museum policies and other governing documents, including the International Council of Museums Code of Ethics.
  • Actively promote the Museum within the community and work to raise the profile of the Museum.

Learn more about the Tweed Regional Museum Management Committee.

Expressions of Interest are now open to join the Tweed Regional Museum Management Committee, closing 15 September 2024.

The purpose of the Tweed Regional Museum Management Committee is to advise Council Officers on all matters relating to the development, management, care, control, funding, policies and future developments of Tweed Regional Museum.

Learn more about Tweed Regional Museum.

What is a Management Committee?

Management Committees are an important part of Council’s commitment to community engagement. They are defined as a group of suitably experienced people appointed to give operational support, considered advice and recommendations to Management (officers) for an operational purpose for a specific program area or project.

What is the role of the Tweed Regional Museum Management Committee?

The Committee's role is to:

  • Formally approve acquisitions and de-accessions from the Museum Collection, on the recommendation of the Museum Director.
  • Review and recommend revisions, in consultation with the Museum Director, of the Museum’s Strategic Plan and all policies that are the basis of the Museum’s programs and operations.
  • Advise Council Officers on and support future developments of the Museum.
  • Promote community awareness of the value and work of the Museum and to assist with fundraising and advocacy.

What does a Committee Member need to do?

Member responsibilities include:

  • Attend scheduled meetings (minimum 4 per year).
  • Share relevant experience and knowledge to assist with acquisitions and de-accessions from the Museum Collection, and review policies and plans.
  • Maintain familiarity with Museum policies and other governing documents, including the International Council of Museums Code of Ethics.
  • Actively promote the Museum within the community and work to raise the profile of the Museum.

Learn more about the Tweed Regional Museum Management Committee.

  • CLOSED: This EOI has concluded.

    If you are unable to complete a written application, please phone 02 6670 2276 to provide a verbal nomination that can be recorded by Council staff.

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Page last updated: 15 Sep 2024, 11:59 PM