Organics Processing Facility
This project is part of Phase 1 of the Tweed Recycling and Landfill Centre Master Plan to improve the layout and site design for all users.
Organics Processing Facility Site Entrance Overhaul Landfill for Community Waste Resource Recovery Areas Water and Leachate Management Roads and Signage

Tweed residents’ food and garden organic waste is now being processed at a new, state-of-the-art facility at the Tweed Recycling and Landfill Centre at Stotts Creek - the largest of its type in the Northern Rivers.
The $7 million Tweed Organics Processing Facility will turn organic material, collected in green kerbside bins from across the Tweed, into useful compost.
Up to 25,000 tonnes of food and garden organics can be processed annually on site – with the compost soon to be made available to households, farmers and businesses as well as being used on Council-maintained parks and gardens.
The facility has been constructed on behalf of Council and will be operated by NSW organics recycling business Soilco for the next 10 years.
The facility will function as an enclosed composting facility which will also be environmentally sustainable with features such as a 99KW solar power system. Rainwater will be captured for processing operations and all wastewater generated in the processing of organics will be reused in the composting process.
The facility is a key step in Council’s long-term ‘towards zero waste’ commitment.
There will soon be 170 to 180 tonnes per week of compost available from the facility for the community and to return to local soil.
The new facility:
- has the ability to keep even more organics out of landfill
- will meet the future needs of the local community and businesses
- will give back to our local environment and community, enriching our food and vegetation
- will make available a variety of composts, soils and mulch blends for local residents
Soilco Operations Manager Mark Emery and Acting Project and Operations Officer Wes Knight inspect the new facility at Stotts Creek.
This project was supported by the Environmental Trust as part of the NSW EPA’s Waste Less, Recycle More initiative, funded from the waste levy.
Fabulous!! Bring it on!
Wonderful addition to the region.
I would hope that with this facility the council will expand the green waste collection service to rural properties and apartment buildings so even more waste can be diverted from landfill.
so great! desperate for cheapish compost over here..
A great project! We need to divert from landfill and keep processing local.
Great initiative. Will compost be available to the public (at a price of course).
• I think this is a great idea but I would like current technology used instead of using the latest untried and untested plant which can end up costing more than budgeted and not working to the desired level.
I think this is a great idea but I would like current technology used instead of using the latest untried and untested plant which can end up costing more than budgeted and not working to the desired level.
This is a brilliant initiative to reduce waste and work towards combating climate issues
Well done Tweed Council
This is a great initative and will be a great asset to the Tweed Community.