Join the conversation with Council's Community Engagement Network

Community engagement on ‘Tweed the Future is Ours’ has already started.
Our Community Engagement Network is a team of Council staff who are passionate about having conversations and sharing information about the Tweed.
The Community Engagement Network has already conducted a series of focus group sessions at Banora Point, Kingscliff and Murwillumbah to gain a sense of community knowledge of - and current satisfaction with - Council services and assets.
Participants also discussed the ways they like to communicate and engage with Council, providing great feedback on the most effective ways to conduct the ‘Tweed The Future is Ours’ community engagement.
“We want to continue to build relationships with the community, so the engagement will be conducted by Council staff from across the organisation, not consultants,” Council’s Director Corporate Services, Liz Collyer, said.
“One of the strong messages which came through the focus groups is that people want us to come to where they are with Council information and that’s what we’ll be doing with ‘Tweed The Future is Ours’.
“You’ll see us out and about at community events, markets and shopping centres over the next 18 months, so please come and say hello and have a chat.
“We want to present to the community a clear, simple and understandable picture of the current state of Council’s infrastructure, services and financial position.
“But don’t let that scare you off – we’ll be having a lot of fun too.”
Consultation has concluded