Services Council provides

Phase one of the Tweed the Future is Ours process has been about assessing the state of play in terms of the assets and services Council is responsible for.
The next phase involves taking that information to the community
Council has identified more than 50 services that are broken down into four streams.
We’ve grouped our services into four streams:
· People places and moving around – who we are and how we live
· Leaving a legacy – looking out for future generations
· Making decisions with you – we’re in this together
· Behind the scenes – providing support to make it happen
“Through our Community Engagement Network and our Service Planning survey, Council is having important conversations with our communities about the level of services and infrastructure ratepayers and residents prefer,” Council’s Director Corporate Services, Liz Collyer, said.
“It’s a conversation we haven’t had to date and it is crucial in determining what services the community would prefer Council to deliver and to what levels.
“When it comes to Council’s built assets and infrastructure an example could be while many of us would love to drive on seamless smooth surfaces on all our roads, we have to able to afford them, so there will also be financial implications to consider.
"We will be providing a number of scenarios relating to our assets for the community to have a look at and consider within budget constraints.
“We really want to hear what residents think and make sure we’re planning the right future for everyone in the Tweed,” Ms Collyer said.
Consultation has concluded