Draft Community Strategic Plan public exhibition period now closed

The formal exhibition period for Council’s Draft Community Strategic Plan 2017-2027 has closed with hundreds of local residents from across the Tweed taking the opportunity to have their say.
Council’s Director of Corporate Services Liz Collyer said there has been a significant response from the community to the plan’s theme of ‘Living and Loving the Tweed’.
“This process really demonstrates that Tweed people are passionate about their community and want to have a say in its future direction,” she said.
“In recent weeks, the team from Council’s Community Engagement Network has been out and about at markets, shopping centres and community events across the shire with more than 300 community members taking the time to join the conversation.
“It’s also been a really positive process to have our elected Council representatives joining staff at many of the Community Engagement Network events.
“We’ve also made presentations and ran information sessions for a range of ratepayer associations, community groups and business chambers
“Feedback from almost 1700 responses to a Council survey also contributed to the plan, as well as several dozen formal written submissions.
The submissions and feedback will be incorporated into the final version of the Community Strategic Plan which will be presented to Council at the end of March, accompanied by a Delivery Program which outlines how to achieve the plan’s broader visions.
Consultation has concluded