Council wants to know your vision for the Tweed of the future?

A message from the General Manager
I’m sure most of you would agree that the Tweed is a great place to live. You may not have thought much about it, but the services your local council provides are a big part of the overall quality of life in the Tweed.
‘Tweed the Future is Ours’ is one of the most important community engagement and planning projects our council has undertaken – it will help to shape the very nature of the important services we deliver.
The Community Strategic Plan and related Delivery Program are key milestones as part of the project.
Council's services include roads, waste collections, community events, cultural activities, community services, recreation and sporting fields and many more.
Council delivers more than 50 services – that’s a lot. We also manage and maintain a large number of assets, such as roads, footpaths, cycleways, community buildings, swimming pools, civic centres, auditoriums and water treatment plants.
The NSW Government’s local government reform process “Fit for the Future”, has presented the opportunity to look at what we do, why we do it, how well we do it and at what cost.
What excites me the most about ‘Tweed the Future is Ours’ is the opportunity for myself and other Council staff to listen to as many Tweed residents as possible during the project, which is expected to take around 18 months. This is a genuine commitment by Council to continue to build relationships and have meaningful conversations with as many locals as we can.
The good news is Tweed Shire Council is in a strong financial position. We want to maintain this position and find the best balance of providing quality services and the right infrastructure and delivering value for money for the Tweed community into the future.
I look forward to catching up with you through ‘Tweed the Future is Ours’.
Troy Green, General Manager, Tweed Shire Council
Consultation has concluded