Sweetnam Park Upgrade, Uki

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Project update 6 March 2025

The draft concept plan for Sweetnam Park was on public exhibition from 11 September to 27 October 2024. The community engagement report is now available and will shape the final concept plan. Park construction is scheduled to commence in July 2025.

We have an exciting new upgrade planned for Uki’s Sweetnam Park.

While we’ve included a new playground and a half basketball court based on previous feedback from the Uki community, the design isn’t set in stone. We want to hear your ideas for additional features. We also know you’re keen on incorporating public art and showcasing local artists.

By partnering with the local community, we aim to revitalise and modernise the park to create a recreational space that’s more inclusive of everyone, with better play equipment and park facilities.

The park upgrade will also improve its resilience to future weather events.

The draft concept plan was placed on public exhibition from 11 September to 27 October 2024.

A big thank you to the community, especially the kids, for joining us for a FREE breakfast and kid's activities at Sweetnam Park on Sunday 22 September from 9am to 11am. We appreciate your input and feedback on the draft plan as you shared your ideas with Council staff.

Here's a glimpse of what’s proposed

  • New play equipment for 2- to 13 year olds
  • Nature play elements, including a cubby and climbing net
  • Half basketball court for youth
  • Small scale skate elements
  • Seating and drinking fountain
  • Picnic table and shelter
  • Connecting pathways
  • Informal car park
  • Landscaping and tree planting

Why it’s happening?

During the February 2022 flood, floodwater inundated the park, causing substantial damage to the park. The upgrade of Sweetnam Park is a high priority in Council’s Open Space Strategy 2019-2029.

Have your say

The community were invited to provide feedback and to download the draft concept plan and either:

  • Complete the community survey
  • Email tsc@tweed.nsw.gov.au with the subject ‘Sweetnam Park upgrade’ or
  • Mail to Manager, Parks and Active Communities, Tweed Shire Council, PO Box 816, Murwillumbah, NSW 2484.


Budget: $379,951

Jointly funded by the Australian and NSW Governments.

For more information, please contact Council’s Parks & Active Communities unit on (02) 6670 2400.

Project update 6 March 2025

The draft concept plan for Sweetnam Park was on public exhibition from 11 September to 27 October 2024. The community engagement report is now available and will shape the final concept plan. Park construction is scheduled to commence in July 2025.

We have an exciting new upgrade planned for Uki’s Sweetnam Park.

While we’ve included a new playground and a half basketball court based on previous feedback from the Uki community, the design isn’t set in stone. We want to hear your ideas for additional features. We also know you’re keen on incorporating public art and showcasing local artists.

By partnering with the local community, we aim to revitalise and modernise the park to create a recreational space that’s more inclusive of everyone, with better play equipment and park facilities.

The park upgrade will also improve its resilience to future weather events.

The draft concept plan was placed on public exhibition from 11 September to 27 October 2024.

A big thank you to the community, especially the kids, for joining us for a FREE breakfast and kid's activities at Sweetnam Park on Sunday 22 September from 9am to 11am. We appreciate your input and feedback on the draft plan as you shared your ideas with Council staff.

Here's a glimpse of what’s proposed

  • New play equipment for 2- to 13 year olds
  • Nature play elements, including a cubby and climbing net
  • Half basketball court for youth
  • Small scale skate elements
  • Seating and drinking fountain
  • Picnic table and shelter
  • Connecting pathways
  • Informal car park
  • Landscaping and tree planting

Why it’s happening?

During the February 2022 flood, floodwater inundated the park, causing substantial damage to the park. The upgrade of Sweetnam Park is a high priority in Council’s Open Space Strategy 2019-2029.

Have your say

The community were invited to provide feedback and to download the draft concept plan and either:

  • Complete the community survey
  • Email tsc@tweed.nsw.gov.au with the subject ‘Sweetnam Park upgrade’ or
  • Mail to Manager, Parks and Active Communities, Tweed Shire Council, PO Box 816, Murwillumbah, NSW 2484.


Budget: $379,951

Jointly funded by the Australian and NSW Governments.

For more information, please contact Council’s Parks & Active Communities unit on (02) 6670 2400.

Page last updated: 07 Mar 2025, 12:05 PM