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    Planning proposal PP23/0005 SALT Surf Life Saving Club, Kingscliff

    In July Council invited the local community to provide feedback on Planning Proposal PP23/0005 – to amend Tweed Local Environmental Plan 2014 (Amendment No. 38) to enable a ‘Function centre’ on land at Lot 4 LP1234959; 45 Bells Boulevard, Kingscliff. 

    The Planning Proposal stage was on exhibition from 12 June 2024 to 10 July 2024.

    Salt Surf Life Saving Club submitted a Planning Proposal seeking approval for the upper floor to be used for weddings and other community related functions. The planning proposal sought to amend the Tweed Local Environmental Plan 2014 (LEP 2014) to SP3 – Tourist to enable the ‘Function centre’ land use.

    What is a Planning Proposal?

    A Planning Proposal is a draft amendment to a Local Environmental Plan (LEP), which is a plan that determines what land can be used for within a local government area. An LEP gives every property a land use zone with a list of land uses that are allowed and not allowed. In addition to the land uses shown in each zone, LEPs include a list of Additional Permitted Uses (APUs) that only apply to specific properties.

    What was the outcome?

    Council resolved to support the Planning Proposal and it will be forwarded to the NSW Department of Planning, Housing and Infrastructure for approval.

    Once the LEP is amended, the Salt SLSC will be able to apply for development consent to use the building as a function centre. This addresses requirements under the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979.

    A Plan of Management that facilitates a function centre use is required under the Local Government Act 1993 as the site is Council owned Community Land and any licensing of the building for that use needs to be consistent with the Plan of Management for the site.