Online forums another chance for input
A series of Tweed Rural Land Strategy online forums were launched today to provide another method of community input and to encourage discussions between members of the public.
"The forums on are a great way for community members to expand upon their concerns and ideas for rural land in the Tweed," Council Senior Strategic Planner, Stuart Russell, said.
"Not only does it enable people to participate in the convervations whenever it suits them, it also fosters constructive discussions between members of the public.
"They enable people to respond and build upon the feedback of others and these discussions really help the community to consider and identify how they want to Tweed rural land to look and feel in the future"
Mr Russell said it was also a very transparent way for the community to provide input on the issue, allowing other people see their feedback to Council.
People will have until 31 May 2013 to participate in the forums.
Consultation has concluded