Rural Land Industry Management Committee EOI 2024

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Open field with farm shed and mountains in the distance

Expressions of Interest are now open to join the Rural Land Industry Management Committee.

The purpose of the Rural Land Industry Management Committee is to give operational support, considered advice and recommendations to management to support the long-term viability of rural agricultural industries and the regeneration of farmland in the Tweed where it aligns with Council services and the current Delivery Program and Operational Plan.

Industry leaders and successful farm businesses are encouraged to apply to share knowledge and expertise. The Committee will explore and promote agricultural growth opportunities for local farmers. Expertise in regenerative agriculture, environmental management on farms, business development and marketing is also being sought.

Expressions of interest close 15 September 2024.

What is a Management Committee?

Management Committees are an important part of Council’s commitment to community engagement. They are defined as a group of suitably experienced people appointed to give operational support, considered advice and recommendations to Management (officers) for an operational purpose for a specific program area or project.

What is the role of the Rural Land Industry Management Committee?

The Committee’s role is to:

  • Facilitate communication between industry, rural landholders and government on issues relating to rural agricultural industries.
  • Support the regeneration of farmland in the Tweed LGA through policy advocacy and planning and delivery of on-ground activities by Committee members and their associated industry groups.
  • Recommend opportunities and initiatives that will enhance the rural agricultural industries in the Tweed.

What does a Committee Member need to do?

Member responsibilities include:

  • Attend as many scheduled meetings as possible.
  • Share their relevant experience and knowledge.
  • Represent the interests and views of the industry/sector they represent rather than individual interests.
  • Have an interest in developing networks that will promote opportunities and understanding for contemporary forms of regenerative agriculture and how these can be applied within the local farming context.

Learn more about the Rural Land Industry Management Committee.

Expressions of Interest are now open to join the Rural Land Industry Management Committee.

The purpose of the Rural Land Industry Management Committee is to give operational support, considered advice and recommendations to management to support the long-term viability of rural agricultural industries and the regeneration of farmland in the Tweed where it aligns with Council services and the current Delivery Program and Operational Plan.

Industry leaders and successful farm businesses are encouraged to apply to share knowledge and expertise. The Committee will explore and promote agricultural growth opportunities for local farmers. Expertise in regenerative agriculture, environmental management on farms, business development and marketing is also being sought.

Expressions of interest close 15 September 2024.

What is a Management Committee?

Management Committees are an important part of Council’s commitment to community engagement. They are defined as a group of suitably experienced people appointed to give operational support, considered advice and recommendations to Management (officers) for an operational purpose for a specific program area or project.

What is the role of the Rural Land Industry Management Committee?

The Committee’s role is to:

  • Facilitate communication between industry, rural landholders and government on issues relating to rural agricultural industries.
  • Support the regeneration of farmland in the Tweed LGA through policy advocacy and planning and delivery of on-ground activities by Committee members and their associated industry groups.
  • Recommend opportunities and initiatives that will enhance the rural agricultural industries in the Tweed.

What does a Committee Member need to do?

Member responsibilities include:

  • Attend as many scheduled meetings as possible.
  • Share their relevant experience and knowledge.
  • Represent the interests and views of the industry/sector they represent rather than individual interests.
  • Have an interest in developing networks that will promote opportunities and understanding for contemporary forms of regenerative agriculture and how these can be applied within the local farming context.

Learn more about the Rural Land Industry Management Committee.

  • CLOSED: This Expression of Interest has now closed.

    If you are unable to complete a written application, please phone 02 6670 2400 to provide a verbal nomination that can be recorded by Council staff.

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Page last updated: 16 Sep 2024, 03:33 PM