Speaking out on youth issues
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Young people in the Tweed will have an unprecedented chance to highlight the issues important to them, through a Council study into youth issues launched on 2 July.
"Our young people are a strong, creative and energetic part of our community and the Speak Out campaign will ask young people what they want to see happen in the Tweed, to help ensure they have a strong future," Council's Youth Development Officer, Sylvia Roylance, said.
"We want to work with them to find out about their strengths and issues, as well as the challenges and opportunities to address them.
"We want to learn what facilities, services and activities would make the Tweed a better place to live, particularly for people aged 12 to 24."
Young people in the Tweed will have an unprecedented chance to highlight the issues important to them, through a Council study into youth issues launched on 2 July.
"Our young people are a strong, creative and energetic part of our community and the Speak Out campaign will ask young people what they want to see happen in the Tweed, to help ensure they have a strong future," Council's Youth Development Officer, Sylvia Roylance, said.
"We want to work with them to find out about their strengths and issues, as well as the challenges and opportunities to address them.
"We want to learn what facilities, services and activities would make the Tweed a better place to live, particularly for people aged 12 to 24."
Council is working with consultancy firm Cred Community Planning - which has experience in engaging young people - to create a four-year Tweed Youth Strategy and Action Plan.
"There is a lot of diversity among young people in the Tweed, so we're planning an unprecedented variety of activities to encourage them to provide input," Ms Roylance said.
"We’ll be holding workshops at local schools, doing vox pops on the streets, visiting young people where they hang out and getting young people to give us their ideas on a youth website."
Click here to visit the Speak Out webpage, which enables people to upload videos, photos, stories or poems that describe being a young person in the Tweed. The most 'liked' entries will be in the running to win an iPad. The website will also allow users to participate in online forums or just have a chat and check out what other people have to say.
The Mayor of Tweed, Councillor Barry Longland, said activities would be held throughout Tweed Shire, to encourage input from the various communities.
"They'll include roving reporters at shopping centres and skate parks on 13 July, giving people the chance to get on film and have their say," Cr Longland said.
"While the campaign focuses on people aged 12 to 24, we are also encouraging input from anyone else with opinions or experience in the needs of young people in the Tweed.
"We are will be working with a wide range of organisations and individuals who provide services or assistance to young people. Planning for the employment, education, health, social and recreational needs of young people is a priority across our community."
Input can also be provided by email to speakouttweed@gmail.com.
Consultation has concluded