Hundreds hit site for Housing Code review
Nearly 450 people have taken advantage of Council's community engagement website,, to read and comment about future housing design in the Tweed.
Online forums and surveys for a series of four Tweed Housing Code discussion papers concluded last Wednesday, after a total of 449 people visited the website.
"We had a total of 860 site visits during the 30-day period, with 134 of those visitors downloading a total of 268 documents about the housing design review," Council's Director of Planning and Regulation, Vince Connell, said.
"While the discussion forums did not attract the level of input we had hoped, there were 64 surveys completed on line, which provided some fantastic feedback.
"Overall, the level of community participation was highly encouraging and there will be further opportunity for input."
Stayed tuned for remaining discussion papers
Another three discussion papers are being prepared as part of the review, which is inviting building industry members and the wider community to comment on the type of housing and residential subdivisions they want to see in the future.
"We are seeking public input on the planning and regulations needed to achieve desirable housing and subdivision design," Mr Connell said.
"Those remaining discussion papers will be released in the next few months, accompanied by a second round of community engagement including online forums and surveys.
"The forums and surveys for the initial four discussion papers will be reopened during that period."
He said a preliminary review of community input would be conducted during the next couple of months, followed by a full evaluation after the second round of engagement.
"An initial review of the feedback received so far shows there is a wide divergence of opinions on all aspects of housing design," Mr Connell said.
"While the need for more energy efficient housing attracted the greatest level of consensus, some respondents believed even this should be at the discretion of home owners and designers and should not be prescribed by building design guidelines.
"The issue of individual housing design versus neighbourhood character was the most polarising topic and drew the most emotional responses. It really shows there needs to be a variety of housing available to cater for differing tastes and requirements."
Consultation has concluded