Comment invited on Tweed Shire Economic Development Strategy

Tweed Shire Council and Destination Tweed are preparing an economic development strategy for the Tweed and have extended the date for public comment on the draft from Monday 3 February 2014 to Friday 28 February 2014.
The economic development strategy will pursue the following objectives:
- maintain a diverse industry and business base;
- provide investment certainty;
- support existing businesses;
- increase job participation and inclusion;
- grow jobs in the Tweed Shire; and
- promote and develop business sustainability (financial, environmental, social)
The document is available to download from the Council website at
Printed copies are also available to read at Council's offices at Brett Street, Tweed Heads or Tumbulgum Road, Murwillumbah.
To provide your feedback on the draft strategy, submissions can be sent to:
Draft Tweed Shire Economic Development Strategy
c/o General Manager
Tweed Shire Council
PO Box 816
or emailed to
Submissions must be received by close of business on Monday 3 February 2014.
Consultation has concluded