Share your experiences of village life

The Your Say Tweed page for Council's Rural Villages Strategy is now live and community members are invited to share their experiences of village life.
The Rural Villages Strategy is all about recognising the distinct characteristics that make each village special, and identifying the opportunities and challenges that are likely to arise as Council and the community seek to protect and promote these inherent values.
If you live, work, learn or play in the villages, Council invites you to share your stories, photos and videos that capture the unique essence of each of the seven villages.
A public discussion began in November, with a series of community meetings to identify priorities for the future of key rural villages across the Tweed: Burringbar, Chillingham, Mooball, Stokers Siding, Tumbulgum, Tyalgum and Uki.
Further community meetings are scheduled for early 2014, when a discussion paper will be presented based on feedback collected via Your Say Tweed and the November community meetings.
In addition, expressions of interest will be called early in the new year for village residents keen to join a reference panel for the study.
To join the conversation, visit
Consultation has concluded