Rural Villages Strategy: community workshops and discussion paper

As part of the 'Discovery and Dreaming' phase of Council's Rural Villages Strategy, community members are invited to participate in a series of workshops to identify future planning priorities for key rural villages in the Tweed.
Following an initial round of information sessions in late 2013, Council officers have drafted a discussion paper, which summarises key themes and ideas raised by the community.
This current round of workshops will provide the village communities with an opportunity to review the discussion paper and identify their priorities for future planning, before a draft Rural Villages Strategy is prepared in the coming months.
Workshop details are as follows:
Tuesday 1 July, Chillingham Hall, 5.30 - 7pm
Thursday 3 July, Stokers-Dunbible Memorial Hall, 5.30 - 7pm
Tuesday 8 July, Tyalgum Hall, 5.30 - 7pm
Wednesday 16 July, Uki School, 5.30 - 7pm
Thursday 17 July, Crabbes Creek Hall, 5.30 - 7pm
Monday 21 July, Burringbar Hall (for Burringbar and Mooball communities) 5.30 - 7pm
Thursday 24 July, Tumbulgum Hall, 5.30 - 7pm
In addition to the workshops, formal submissions on the discussion paper are invited until close of business on Friday 8 August 2014. Submissions should be addressed to:
Rural Villages Strategy
The General
Tweed Shire Council
PO Box 816
or emailed to
To stay up to date with the latest project developments, visit the Rural Villages Strategy page here on Your Say Tweed and register to have your say.
For further information, contact Council's Planning Reforms Unit on 02 6670 2503.
Consultation has concluded