Rural Land Strategy information sessions commence this week
A second round of community information sessions to help create Council's Tweed Rural Land Strategy will be conducted during the next three weeks, to present findings from the initial stage of engagement in 2013.
Stage 2 Issues Analysis Information Sessions will be held at eight locations throughout Tweed Shire during April and May.
- Tuesday 29 April, Chillingham Hall, 3pm – 5pm
- Wednesday 30 April, Tyalgum Hall, 3pm – 5pm
- Monday 5 May, Burringbar School of Arts (Burringbar Hall), 10am – 12pm
- Monday 5 May, Pottsville Beach Neighbourhood Centre, 5pm – 7pm
- Tuesday 6 May, Piggabeen Hall, 3pm - 5pm,
- Wednesday 7 May, Uki Public Hall, 10am – 12pm
- Thursday 8 May, Murwillumbah Civic and Cultural Centre Auditorium, 6pm – 7.30pm
More than 150 Tweed residents took the opportunity to attend the first round of issues forums in 2013, with nearly 200 submissions and survey responses received.
Feedback received has been used by EnPlan Partners to prepare the Draft Resource Inventory and Land Capability Assessment, and Draft Issues Analysis, which are now on public exhibition.
"Community members are invited to attend one of the upcoming information sessions to view these documents, hear about some of the key findings, and discuss issues with Council officers," the Project Manager, Stuart Russell, said.
Further information, including the Draft Issues Analysis and Draft Resource Inventory and Land Capability Assessment, is available on the Rural Land Strategy page, here on Your Say Tweed.
Enquiries can be forwarded to Council’s Planning Reform Unit on (02) 6670 2503.
Consultation has concluded