'Liveable Cities' workshop to inform Kingscliff locality planning

'The Future of Kingscliff ' was the focus of an enquiry by design workshop at the 7th Making Cities Liveable Conference held at Salt in July.
The workshop aimed to stimulate new conceptual thinking through the use of 3D massing blocks over scaled aerial photos of the Kingscliff town centre. Participants included town planners, urban designers, architects, landscape architects and Councillors from across Queensland and NSW, who were interrogated about key planning and urban design parameters including building height, setbacks, land use, public domain, connectivity and traffic management principles over three key town centre sites.
Outputs from the workshop, including a sketched concept plan and photographs of the 3D models built on the day, will be used to generate discussion around the development of options for the Kingscliff Locality Plan when they publicly exhibited as part of this planning process.
A copy of the conference presentation delivered on the day is included here on Your Say Tweed for community reference.
A detailed overview of the workshop scope is included on the Liveable Cities Conference website.
To stay up to date, visit the Kingscliff Locality Plan page here on Your Say Tweed.
Consultation has concluded