Kingscliff Locality Plan reference panel appointed

Following a call for expressions of interest, a single reference panel has been appointed to provide a combination of community-based and technical input and feedback throughout the development of a Kingscliff Locality Plan.
A total of 14 people have been appointed to the combined Kingscliff Locality Plan reference panel, which will be chaired by Council's Senior Urban Designer, John Lynch.
Reference panel positions were filled according to the criteria advertised and listed in the Technical Review and Community Based Reference Panel charter documents.
Two inception meetings were held on 15 and 22 July at the Kingscliff Sustainability Centre at which Council officers outlined the objective, scope and methodology of the locality planning process.
During these meetings, reference panel members shared their backgrounds, experiences, expectations and ideas about the future opportunities and challenges facing the Kingscliff locality.
Some of the key issues raised at these meetings included:
- The importance of protecting and managing the natural environment including creeks, beaches and surrounding bushland areas;
- The opportunity to enhance the Kingscliff community character and identity through appropriate land uses, design controls and rectifying the 'urban ugliness', particularly throughout the town centre;
- The need to acknowledge the historic and cultural context and elements of the natural and built environment as an important part of future planning;
- The opportunity to investigate alternate housing types, including those that incorporate access and universal design principles within the existing urban areas;
- The need to address ongoing traffic and car parking issues, which are set to intensify with surrounding residential development release areas; and
- The need to improve access to key amenity areas including public domain, beach and creek.
A copy of the reference panel inception meeting presentation is provided here on Your Say Tweed for community reference.
The reference panel is next scheduled to meet in early September, when it will review and provide feedback on key context and site analysis documents.
To stay up to date with the latest news, visit the Kingscliff Locality Plan page here on Your Say Tweed.
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