Home expo offers solutions to rising bills

Tweed Heads Civic Centre will be transformed into a home expo on Saturday 16 November, offering people a one-stop shop to help make homes more economical, energy-efficient and self-sufficient.
As many Tweed households struggle with rising energy bills, the Living for the Future Home Expo and Community Summit will bring together a range of local product and service providers with solutions to cut water and power bills, make homes more environmentally sustainable and more liveable for people of all ages.
However, Mayor of Tweed, Councillor Barry Longland, said the expo and summit were also designed to encourage public discussions to make Tweed Shire more environmentally and socially sustainable - at the level of individual homes, neighbourhoods and the wider community.
Visit the Living for the Future Home Expo and Community Summit page for full details of stallholders, speakers, special offer and more.
Click here to tell us what information you would like to see included at the event.
Council's Sustainability Program Leader, Deb Firestone, said: "Trade stalls will make it easy for people to see all the options available when designing a new home or retrofitting an existing house.
"At the same time, experts on many issues of sustainability - such as home design, energy and water efficiency devices, recycling, growing food and healthy communities - will participate in a series of discussion panels."
Ms Firestone said the panels and presentations would explore how to make the Tweed more environmentally and socially sustainable.
"We're also inviting community members to contribute their ideas for a more sustainable Tweed, and that includes Council planning and actions could help achieve this goal," she said.
"There are some amazing, innovative and affordable solutions being adopted in other areas and this event will examine how they can be adapted to the Tweed environment and the lifestyles of our residents.
"We're encouraging people to share their opinions on how Tweed households can save power and water, live more sustainably and more cohesively as a community."
For further information, contact Debbie Firestone on (02) 6670 2555.
Consultation has concluded