Future management of the Bilambil Sports Club building
Council is currently seeking registrations of interest from suitable candidates for the future management of the Bilambil Sports Club, located at the corner of Bilambil and Hogan Roads, Bilambil.
Alongside this process, Council invites feedback from the community about preferred options for the future use and management of the building.
Any future arrangement will continue to provide appropriate access to the building to allow the licensed sporting clubs to conduct their sports.
To find out more during the exhibition period:
- visit Council's Tweed Heads office at Brett Street, Tweed Heads, or Murwillumbah office at 10-14 Tumbulgum Road, Murwillumbah
- contact Council's Manager Recreation Services, Stewart Brawley, on (02) 6670 2491 or by email to tsc@tweed.nsw.gov.au.
To have your say, submissions should be addressed to:
Bilambil Sports Club
General Manager
Tweed Shire Council
PO Box 816
or emailed to tsc@tweed.nsw.gov.au.
All submissions must be received by close of business on Wednesday 26 February 2014.
To find out more about the about the tender process, or to submit a registration of interest, visit www.tweed.nsw.gov.au/Tenders.
Consultation has concluded