Entries invited for new short film competition about access and inclusion
The inaugural Tweed Shire Access and Inclusion Awards are being staged by Council to celebrate the efforts of individuals and organisations to make Tweed Shire more accessible and inclusive for everyone.
"These awards will be held each year to heighten awareness, commitment and action to create opportunities and remove barriers so everyone can participate fully in the Tweed community," Council's Aged and Disability Community Development Officer, Karen Collins, said.
In conjunction with the awards, a new short film competition is being held to promote issues of access and inclusion in the region.
The competition, open to all Northern Rivers and Gold Coast residents, give film makers the chance to explore the ideas of access and social inclusion for everyone and to answer the question 'in what ways have universal access and social inclusion influenced your life, your story and your community?'.
Click here to find out more or to submit an entry.
"We are inviting people to create a film of up to three minutes on the theme My Life, My Story, My Community," Council's Aged and Disability Development Officer, Karen Collins, said.
Entry to the competition is free and will close on Friday 15 November 2013.
Members of the community will then be able to view the entries on Council's website and vote for their favourites, to choose a shortlist of six finalists.
"Those shortlisted films will then be screened at the Tweed Access and Inclusion Awards presentation ceremony on 3 December, where the film competition winners will be announced," Ms Collins said.
"The competition isn't just open to accomplished film makers, we're encouraging everyone to get creative and tell their stories."
The competition includes an Open category for all entrants, as well as a Youth division for Under 18s, but each film can only be entered in one category.
Consultation has concluded