Draft Tweed Development Control Plan 2009 (DCP) Section A1 Amendment now on Exhibition

A Draft Amendment to the Tweed Development Control Plan (DCP) 2008 Section A1 Residential and Tourist Development Code is now on public exhibition.
The exhibition period runs from Wednesday 31 October 2018 to Friday 30 November 2018.
The primary purpose of the amendment, in response to the outcomes of the Fingal Head Building Height Review and Council’s resolution of 5 October 2017, is to:
· Incorporate a two storey character design limit for Fingal Head; and
· Incorporate shire wide development design guidance for rooftop terraces.
The amendment also updates associated references within the document, including the definition of rooftop terraces.
The exhibition documents can be viewed on Council’s On Exhibition page, by clicking HERE[LB1].
They are also available for viewing at the Murwillumbah Civic Centre and Tweed Heads Civic Centre from 8.00am to 4.15pm weekdays.
Submissions on the content of the draft DCP Section A1 amendments must be made in writing or email and received by Council no later than close of business on Friday 30 November 2018.
Public submissions must clearly note the subject “Draft DCP Section A1 amendments” and be addressed to:
General Manager
Strategic Planning and Urban Design
Draft DCP Section A1 Amendments
Tweed Shire Council
[LB1]Link to On Exhibition page
Consultation has concluded