Community Conversation 02 to be held at Fingal Head Public School Hall
Community Conversation 02 to be held at Fingal Head Public School Hall
Wednesday 14th June 2017
Council officers will be hosting the Fingal Head Building Height Review Community Conversation 02 on Thursday 14th June at the Fingal Head Public School Hall, beginning at 5:00pm and continuing until approximately 8:00pm.
At this next session we will present and discuss the feedback gained from our conversations with you and from the Fingal Head Height of Buildings Community Survey. Our goal is to find common ground on issues where there is a point of difference and explore options for moving forward with a policy response for the elected Councillors to consider.
The evening will follow a structured format, and will be hosted by a staff member from Council’s Communications Unit. It is designed to be participatory (working in small groups) and collaborative, with the Strategic Planning & Urban Design staff on hand to provide technical advice and answer planning and design related questions.
If you would like to guarantee your place at one of the workgroup tables it is essential that you register your attendance. For everyone else attendance is welcome and we will endeavour to accommodate an opportunity for their participation.
Please RSVP by email to: or by calling Kerry Innes on (02) 6670 2503.
An indicative agenda for the evening is outlined below. Please note these times are indicative and could very well change depending on how the evening progresses.
5:00 Arrival,
5:30 Welcome and introductory activity
6:00 Community survey feedback
6:30 Presentation – Strategic Planning Framework
7:00 Building Height in Context - presentation and table workshop exercises
7:45 Review of workshop feedback
8:00 Question time
8:30 Close
Tea, coffee and light refreshments will be available.
If you are unable to attend the Community Conversation 02 session but would like to meet with or talk to relevant Council staff, please feel free email Louise Bennett on or Jonathon Lynch on or by calling (02) 6670 2503.
Consultation has concluded