Event Sponsorship Policy
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The Event Sponsorship Policy is being updated.
The survey has now concluded.
The aims and objectives of the current policy include:
- Drive social, community, environmental and economic outcomes for the Tweed region (noting the important link between community outcomes and economic benefits).
- Generate local economic activity and development within Tweed Shire.
- Further develop the region’s capacity to deliver authentic and well-organised events.
- Attract external visitation to The Tweed.
- Enhance and honour the personality of the region and desires of the community.
The provision of financial assistance and resource support to events supports the vision of the Tweed Shire Events Strategy 2016-2020 and the objectives identified in the Community Strategic Plan 2017-2027.
The new Event Partnership Policy will play a major role in helping achieve Tweed Shire’s vision to nurture innovative events which are integrated into the spirit of the community and the offerings of the region.
Page last updated: 18 Jun 2024, 08:25 AM