Draft Councillor Expenses and Facilities Policy

Following a review of our Draft Councillor Expenses and Facilities Policy, we are proposing changes to the reimbursement of expenses and provision of facilities to councillors carrying out their civic duties.
These proposed changes provide more clarity for Councillors.
What this policy covers
This policy ensures accountability and transparency and aligns councillor expenses and facilities with community expectations.
The policy sets out the maximum amounts council will pay for specific expenses and facilities.
What’s changed
We have made proposed changes to the policy, including travel expenses, conference and seminars, and additional facilities for the mayor. The policy is based on the Office of Local Government’s suggested template. There is also an updated appendix outlining monetary amounts and reflected to updated costs since the policy was last reviewed.
New sections have been added to the policy, including guidance for attending dinners and non-council functions, spouse and partner expenses and an updated appendix outlining monetary amounts.
This policy must be adopted within 12 months of an election under the Local Government Act. If any material changes are proposed, we place these amendments on public exhibition so the community has an opportunity to make comment.
Community feedback will be considered, and appropriate changes made before the Policy is finalised and adopted by Council.
Have your say
This policy was on public exhibition and closed 4 pm on 26 October 2022.
Online: Use the submission form below
Post: Councillor Expenses and Facilities Policy, General Manager, Tweed Shire Council, PO Box 816, MURWILLUMBAH NSW 2484
It should be noted that in accordance with Council policy and the provisions of the Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009 – ‘GIPAA,’ confidential information contained within submissions may be released upon a request being made by a third party.