Canal Management Policy
The Canal Management Policy seeks to provide guidance on Council's position on matters relevant to canals, from maintenance of beaches, unapproved structures, the use and storage of vessels, to licencing of pontoons and the fees charged.
Council manages nine canal estates, including waterways and the foreshores adjacent to both parkland and residential areas.
Management and maintenance activities include dredging for navigation, ensuring the stability of retaining structures and removal of debris following floods.
Individual land owners are responsible for the maintenance of canal walls and foreshores within their private lots.
Pontoon licencing fee
All pontoons located within the Council owned canals are required to be licenced. The licence permits pontoon owners to occupy public land, in this case the canal, for exclusive private use.
In 2008, Council resolved to adopt an annual pontoon licence fee, but over the past 12 years the fee has not been charged.
Council has charged a pontoon licence application fee and a pontoon licence transfer fee.
The fee was adopted in accordance with the Local Government Act 1993 (Section 608), that allows Council to charge a fee for services it provides, such as canal dredging, foreshore maintenance or debris removal.
Council will commence charging the annual pontoon licence fee from the beginning of the 2022 calendar year. The revenue generated will primarily be used to maintain navigability, safety and amenity within canal estates. The existing pontoon application and transfer fees will also still be charged.
The Canal Management Policy was adopted by Council at its meeting on Thursday 18 March 2021.