Cudgen Foreshore Park and Ed Parker Rotary Park car park upgrades

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Project update 25 March 2025

Construction of Cudgen Foreshore Park car park is scheduled for 7 April to 23 May 2025, weather permitting. Work on Ed Parker Rotary Park car park will begin once the Cudgen Foreshore Park car park is finished. The parks will stay open over the Easter long weekend, and pedestrian access will not be disrupted.

Project update 6 March 2025

Thank you for providing feedback on the draft concept plan(s). Feedback is now closed. The feedback you provided has been consolidated into a community engagement report and has shaped the final concept plan(s).

Construction is scheduled for April - May 2025, weather permitting. We plan to upgrade the two adjacent car parks consecutively to minimise disruption to the community.

Cudgen Foreshore Park and Ed Parker Rotary Park car parks are being upgraded. Both parks are located off Sutherland Street and provide important access to viewing opportunities and enjoyment of Cudgen Creek.

The Cudgen Foreshore Park and Ed Parker Rotary Park draft concept plans were placed on public exhibition from 29 July to 26 August 2024.

Residents were invited to find out more and discuss both car park upgrades with Council staff at Cudgen Foreshore Park in Kingscliff on Saturday 10 August, from 9.00 am to 11.00 am.

Community feedback informed the final concept plans for both parks.

View the final concept plan for Cudgen Foreshore Park.

View the draft concept plan for Ed Parker Park. We are just updating the final concept plan for this project.

Cudgen Foreshore Park:

At Cudgen Foreshore Park, Council proposes a phased plan for the rehabilitation and management of the reserve. This plan includes initially excluding some areas from vehicle access, undertaking rehabilitation efforts, and transitioning to natural barriers to manage vehicle movement through the park.

Council has faced ongoing issues with hooning behaviour in the park, which has led to significant environmental damage and safety concerns. Reckless driving has destroyed vegetation and wildlife habitats, causing extensive damage to turfed areas.

The impact of these activities necessitates the exclusion of vehicles in some areas during rehabilitation and repair efforts to restore the park to a safe and enjoyable state for the community. We will incorporate bollards, a mix of trees, mounded shrubs, plantings, and rocks to exclude vehicles. Over time, we will gradually remove some of the bollards and rocks as the trees grow strong enough to serve as natural barriers.

We will also provide additional park seating and picnic tables to encourage picnicking and nature appreciation. We believe the phased approach will ensure the park's rehabilitation and continuous enjoyment by the community.

What's proposed for Cudgen Foreshore Park?

  • Asphalt internal road and asphalt parking spaces
  • Install rocks and bollards to manage vehicle movement
  • Accessible parking bay
  • Connecting footpaths to picnic facilities and the public toilet
  • New accessible shelter and picnic setting
  • Installation of stormwater headwalls to help manage stormwater
  • Installation of a rainwater garden to capture and absorb rainwater
  • Speed humps for traffic calming
  • Retain the existing Bush Stone Curlew nest and habitat area
  • Additional tree planting
  • Future works will include aluminum access stairs (not funded through this program)

Cudgen Foreshore Park, Sutherland Street in Kingscliff

Ed Parker Rotary Park:

At Ed Parker Park, Council proposes to asphalt the internal access road and car parking areas on the eastern side, complete with line marking. Currently, only half of the access road and parking areas are asphalted, with the remainder consisting of road base, which often develops significant potholes, particularly after wet weather.

The proposed plan involves removing the central turning loop and creating a cul-de-sac at the northern end of the park. Sections of the loop road will be converted back to parkland, and new pathways and accessible parking spaces will enhance the recreational and aesthetic qualities of the park while improving traffic flow and accessibility.

What's proposed for Ed Parker Park?

  • Redesign a section of the car park, asphalt internal road with a cul-de-sac at the northern end of the car park
  • Asphalt car parking spaces
  • Concrete edging
  • Connecting paths
  • Install rocks and bollards to manage vehicle movement
  • Accessible parking bay and connecting footpath
  • Speed humps for traffic calming
  • Additional tree planting

Ed Parker Rotary Park, Sutherland Street in Kingscliff

Have your say

The community were invited to provide feedback and to download the draft concept plan(s) for both Cudgen Foreshore Park and Ed Parker Rotary Park and provide feedback by either:

  • Completing the community survey(s)
  • Emailing with the subject ‘Cudgen Foreshore and Ed Parker Park car upgrades’ or
  • Mailing to Manager, Parks and Active Communities, Tweed Shire Council, PO Box 816, Murwillumbah, NSW 2484.

Why it’s happening

Council is upgrading the Cudgen Foreshore Park to address ongoing issues that have been affecting the park and its surrounding community. Persistent hooning behaviour has led to considerable environmental damage and safety concerns, causing distress to users and nearby residents. We are upgrading Ed Parker Rotary Park to enhance the recreational and aesthetic qualities of the park while improving traffic flow and accessibility.

Additionally, wet weather, particularly during the flood events of 2017 and 2022, have caused significant damage to the car parks, making their maintenance both challenging and costly. Upgrading the car parks will enhance safety, reduce environmental impact, and provide a more sustainable and manageable solution for the area.


  • Cudgen Foreshore Park budget: $594,000
  • Ed Parker Rotary Park budget: $429,000

Jointly funded by the Australian and NSW Governments.

For more information, please contact Council’s Parks & Active Communities unit on (02) 6670 2400.

Project update 25 March 2025

Construction of Cudgen Foreshore Park car park is scheduled for 7 April to 23 May 2025, weather permitting. Work on Ed Parker Rotary Park car park will begin once the Cudgen Foreshore Park car park is finished. The parks will stay open over the Easter long weekend, and pedestrian access will not be disrupted.

Project update 6 March 2025

Thank you for providing feedback on the draft concept plan(s). Feedback is now closed. The feedback you provided has been consolidated into a community engagement report and has shaped the final concept plan(s).

Construction is scheduled for April - May 2025, weather permitting. We plan to upgrade the two adjacent car parks consecutively to minimise disruption to the community.

Cudgen Foreshore Park and Ed Parker Rotary Park car parks are being upgraded. Both parks are located off Sutherland Street and provide important access to viewing opportunities and enjoyment of Cudgen Creek.

The Cudgen Foreshore Park and Ed Parker Rotary Park draft concept plans were placed on public exhibition from 29 July to 26 August 2024.

Residents were invited to find out more and discuss both car park upgrades with Council staff at Cudgen Foreshore Park in Kingscliff on Saturday 10 August, from 9.00 am to 11.00 am.

Community feedback informed the final concept plans for both parks.

View the final concept plan for Cudgen Foreshore Park.

View the draft concept plan for Ed Parker Park. We are just updating the final concept plan for this project.

Cudgen Foreshore Park:

At Cudgen Foreshore Park, Council proposes a phased plan for the rehabilitation and management of the reserve. This plan includes initially excluding some areas from vehicle access, undertaking rehabilitation efforts, and transitioning to natural barriers to manage vehicle movement through the park.

Council has faced ongoing issues with hooning behaviour in the park, which has led to significant environmental damage and safety concerns. Reckless driving has destroyed vegetation and wildlife habitats, causing extensive damage to turfed areas.

The impact of these activities necessitates the exclusion of vehicles in some areas during rehabilitation and repair efforts to restore the park to a safe and enjoyable state for the community. We will incorporate bollards, a mix of trees, mounded shrubs, plantings, and rocks to exclude vehicles. Over time, we will gradually remove some of the bollards and rocks as the trees grow strong enough to serve as natural barriers.

We will also provide additional park seating and picnic tables to encourage picnicking and nature appreciation. We believe the phased approach will ensure the park's rehabilitation and continuous enjoyment by the community.

What's proposed for Cudgen Foreshore Park?

  • Asphalt internal road and asphalt parking spaces
  • Install rocks and bollards to manage vehicle movement
  • Accessible parking bay
  • Connecting footpaths to picnic facilities and the public toilet
  • New accessible shelter and picnic setting
  • Installation of stormwater headwalls to help manage stormwater
  • Installation of a rainwater garden to capture and absorb rainwater
  • Speed humps for traffic calming
  • Retain the existing Bush Stone Curlew nest and habitat area
  • Additional tree planting
  • Future works will include aluminum access stairs (not funded through this program)

Cudgen Foreshore Park, Sutherland Street in Kingscliff

Ed Parker Rotary Park:

At Ed Parker Park, Council proposes to asphalt the internal access road and car parking areas on the eastern side, complete with line marking. Currently, only half of the access road and parking areas are asphalted, with the remainder consisting of road base, which often develops significant potholes, particularly after wet weather.

The proposed plan involves removing the central turning loop and creating a cul-de-sac at the northern end of the park. Sections of the loop road will be converted back to parkland, and new pathways and accessible parking spaces will enhance the recreational and aesthetic qualities of the park while improving traffic flow and accessibility.

What's proposed for Ed Parker Park?

  • Redesign a section of the car park, asphalt internal road with a cul-de-sac at the northern end of the car park
  • Asphalt car parking spaces
  • Concrete edging
  • Connecting paths
  • Install rocks and bollards to manage vehicle movement
  • Accessible parking bay and connecting footpath
  • Speed humps for traffic calming
  • Additional tree planting

Ed Parker Rotary Park, Sutherland Street in Kingscliff

Have your say

The community were invited to provide feedback and to download the draft concept plan(s) for both Cudgen Foreshore Park and Ed Parker Rotary Park and provide feedback by either:

  • Completing the community survey(s)
  • Emailing with the subject ‘Cudgen Foreshore and Ed Parker Park car upgrades’ or
  • Mailing to Manager, Parks and Active Communities, Tweed Shire Council, PO Box 816, Murwillumbah, NSW 2484.

Why it’s happening

Council is upgrading the Cudgen Foreshore Park to address ongoing issues that have been affecting the park and its surrounding community. Persistent hooning behaviour has led to considerable environmental damage and safety concerns, causing distress to users and nearby residents. We are upgrading Ed Parker Rotary Park to enhance the recreational and aesthetic qualities of the park while improving traffic flow and accessibility.

Additionally, wet weather, particularly during the flood events of 2017 and 2022, have caused significant damage to the car parks, making their maintenance both challenging and costly. Upgrading the car parks will enhance safety, reduce environmental impact, and provide a more sustainable and manageable solution for the area.


  • Cudgen Foreshore Park budget: $594,000
  • Ed Parker Rotary Park budget: $429,000

Jointly funded by the Australian and NSW Governments.

For more information, please contact Council’s Parks & Active Communities unit on (02) 6670 2400.

Page last updated: 25 Mar 2025, 11:52 AM