November 2023 - energy
November 2023
Our November 2023 gathering was focused on energy: exploring the actions we can take as individuals to reduce our electricity use (and bills), as well as supporting our friends and communities in steps towards sustainable, renewable energy and how we might influence the broader community and leaders for climate action. We discussed:
- Key levers for energy efficiency in the home. More energy efficient = reduced electricity consumption = reduced greenhouse gas emissions
- Challenges, obstacles and opportunities for energy sources: solar energy, wind farms, nuclear energy
Actions pledged:
- Community member to make enquiry with Essential Energy into a community battery in Kunghur
- Exploring solar in business precinct
- 4 individuals/groups interested in home energy assessment
- 1 group to provide peer reviewed research articles on nuclear energy for Council information.
- Energy Access Poverty Plan
- Deb to review Northern Rivers Community Foundation Vital Signs report from Kyla (Alison to help) to gather baseline energy poverty figures.
- Solar on Social Housing
- Deb to contact social housing providers about their interest in putting solar on social housing, and find out the location and number of properties in the NC region that may be suitable.
- Deb to contact local solar installer and find out how much it would cost to assess the suitability of sites and write up a report of their assessment.
Follow up questions answered by Seb Crangle, Home Energy Advisor.
- We noted your questions on the day and Seb has kindly answered these in this document.
Links to useful information requested in conversation:
- Northern Rivers Joint Organisation Renewable Energy Blueprint
- Suitable areas for wind energy development, map on p21 of the draft Wind Energy Guideline
- Find a local accredited provider to install or service you solar or battery storage system Clean Energy Council.
- Nationwide House Energy Rating Scheme accreditors for new dwellings: or
- Green Building Guide - lowest cost green rebuilding techniques, focusing on energy efficiency, water savings and indoor air quality.
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