Leisure Drive, Greenway Drive and Darlington Drive intersection upgrade
Stage 2 of the upgrade will be carried out during the Christmas school holidays of 2024/2025, ensuring that the majority of works are completed with minimal disruption to school activities.
Thank you to those who provided feedback on the timing of works for Stage 2 of the Leisure Drive, Greenway Drive and Darlington Drive intersection upgrade. This timing will minimise disruptions to school peak traffic while completing the project as efficiently as possible.
Stage 2 starts on 4 December 2024
Our goal is to enhance the safety and connectivity of our local road network. This project was identified in the Tweed Road Development Strategy to meet our area's long-term growth needs.
This project will be delivered in stages. Stage 1, sites 1, 2 and 5 along Greenway Drive, has been completed. See Stage 1 below for the scope of works.
Stage 2, site 3 along Leisure Drive, will start on Wednesday 4 December 2024 and will take about 2 months to complete. This stage includes installing a signalised pedestrian crossing and widening lanes to make travel through this area safer and easier for everyone. See Stage 2 below for the scope of works and traffic impacts.
Future Stage 3, site 4, east of Advocate Place, has been deferred. See Future Stage 3 below for more information.
Work zones map: Leisure Drive, Darlington Drive and Greenway Drive intersection upgrade
Stage 2 (Site 3)
Stage 2, located at site 3 includes installing a signalised pedestrian crossing and widening lanes to make travel through this area safer and easier for everyone.
Construction will be carried out during the Christmas school holidays of 2024/2025, ensuring that the majority of works are completed with minimal disruption to school activities.
Thanks to those who provided feedback on the timing of works, which will minimise disruptions to school peak traffic while completing the project as efficiently as possible.
Leisure Drive, between Darlington Drive and Advocate Place, Banora Point
Schedule of works:
Stage 2 of the intersection upgrade at Leisure Drive, Greenway Drive and Darlington Drive will start on Wednesday 4 December 2024 and is expected to take about 2 months to complete, weather permitting.
Work hours:
Council crews will undertake the works from Monday to Friday, between 7 am and 5 pm. Works may need to be conducted some Saturdays, between 7 am to 1 pm. Linemarking will be carried out at night towards the end of the project.
Alternative routes:
Use alternative routes where possible or allow additional time for your journey.
What to expect during construction:
- Two-way traffic will be maintained during construction however, lanes will be narrower and the speed limit will be reduced to 40 km/h.
- The bus stop, west of Advocate Place, will be temporarily relocated about 100 metres to the east, just past Advocate Place.
- There will be no access to the grassed area, about 50 metres east of the roundabout, during construction.
- Temporary road and lane closures during work hours, which may cause delays of up to 5 minutes.
- We've made plans for emergency vehicles to pass through the site.
- Please do not use on-street parking during work hours.
- Limited access to some properties and driveways within the work zone during work hours. Please ask the traffic controller for help if you need access.
- Changed traffic conditions with traffic controllers guiding traffic flow during work hours.
- Pedestrians will be directed around the work site (see map above).
- Large earthmoving machinery.
- Some construction noise and dust.
- Minor ground vibrations.
- Linemarking will take place at night towards the end of the project.
Stay updated by following electronic roadwork signs and check for updates on our website at tweed.nsw.gov.au/roadworks.
Timing of works:
Given the high traffic volume, we aimed to schedule the majority of the work during school holidays to minimise disruptions. When we started Stage 1, we asked the community whether they preferred Stage 2 to take place in the winter (July 2024) or summer (December 2024/February 2025) school holidays and the community chose summer. Thanks to everyone who shared their input!
Tree management and preservation:
As part of the road widening, drainage improvements and new footpath installation, some trees within the work zone will need to be removed, while others will be saved where possible. In some cases, root systems may be impacted, making preservation unfeasible. Trees that cannot be saved will be replaced with new plantings to maintain the area’s greenery. Additionally, tree trimming will be conducted east of Advocate Place.
All species selected are native to the region. The Cottonwood trees have been selected as a native alternative to the Poincianas to be removed. They are a short tree with a spreading canopy, they have large heart-shaped leaves creating shade and large showy, yellow hibiscus flowers. Native harlequin bugs are attracted to this species and the trees provide habitat for native birds for perching/nesting.
The groundcover species selected are all hardy, drought tolerant and can thrive in full sun until part-shade is established and will create a colourful garden base to the Cottonwood trees. They provide refuge to lizards and insects and also provide foraging resources to birds. The species selected have either blue, pink, purple, white or yellow flowers.
What to expect after construction:
After the construction is complete, you can look forward to several improvements in the area:
- Enhanced pedestrian safety: A new pedestrian crossing with traffic signals will be installed 65 metres east of the roundabout to enhance safety for everyone crossing the road. The current crossing near the roundabout will be closed once the new signalised crossing is up and running.
- Upgraded footpaths: Footpaths will be upgraded to provide a smoother and safer walking experience for pedestrians.
- Improved drainage: The drainage system will be upgraded to suit the new, wider road, helping to prevent water pooling and improve road safety during wet weather.
- Wider lanes: Lane widths will be increased to improve traffic flow and enhance safety for all road users.
- Tree trimming and replacement: Some trees will be trimmed or replaced to accommodate the changes, ensuring the area remains green and welcoming.
These enhancements are designed to make traveling through this area easier and safer for everyone, whether you're driving, walking or cycling.
More information:
- For traffic impact updates, visit our website at tweed.nsw.gov.au/roadworks.
- If you have any questions about this project, please leave us a message.
- To learn more about how we build, upgrade and maintain a safe and connected local road network, including how we prioritise road maintenance projects, visit tweed.nsw.gov.au/roads.

Stage 1 (Sites 2, 1 and 5)
Project status – completed
We would like to say thanks to the community for their patience and collaboration as a significant project milestone is reached with the completion of Stage 1, which included:
- relocation of services such as gas, telecommunications and water
- temporary removal of footpaths and then reinstating them towards the end of Stage 1
- realignment of kerbs and gutters
- underground drainage modifications
- road widening, including applying bitumen seal and asphalt wearing course
- reinstatement of footpaths and laying turf
- linemarking.
Future Stage 3 (Site 4)
Works planned at Site 4 are part of the final stage of the upgrade to the Leisure Drive, Greenway Drive and Darlington Drive intersection, as well as the completion of the 4 lane upgrade of Leisure Drive between Winders Place and Greenway Drive.
Works on Site 4 have been deferred to a date to be determined. This decision was made to ensure the Stage 2 works could be completed in the nominated school holiday period to reduce disruption to the community. It also anticipates the potential redevelopment of the Club Banora site and the possibility of a new signalised intersection on Leisure Drive with the Club Banora driveway. Council intends to keep the current pedestrian refuge on the remaining 2 lane section of Leisure Drive, east of Advocate Place, in place for now to maintain safety while avoiding unnecessary work if the Club Banora redevelopment proceeds.