Potential funding for rural landholders
The BCT’s Conservation Partners Grants are now available. All existing BCT agreement holders that do not receive annual conservation management payments are eligible to apply. Grants can assist landholders to maintain the ecological values of their properties. For example, a landholder may need funding to manage a weed outbreak or repair a fence to exclude stock.
The grants are also available to those participating in the Community Environment Network’s (CEN) Land for Wildlife or Humane Society International’s (HSI) Wildlife Land Trust programs.
For further information see: https://www.bct.nsw.gov.au/sites/default/files/2018-05/ConservationPartnersGRANTS_Guide_for_Applicants.pdf
The funding application form is at: https://www.bct.nsw.gov.au/sites/default/files/2018-06/BCT_Grant_Application_Form_2018_20180612.pdfConsultation has concluded