Water release from dam to top up river supply
Tuesday 15 January 2019
Council yesterday began releasing water from Clarrie Hall Dam to ensure continued supply to the Tweed as the Bray Park Weir level drops up to 40mm further every day without rain.The dam currently sits at 99 per cent full but the weir water level is 230mm below the weir wall.
The water release from the dam is designed to ensure continued supply to meet the demand for raw water at Bray Park Water Treatment Plant.
However, the water release will have little or no effect on a blue-green algal bloom which has currently affected the weir. Some customers may detect an unpleasant musty or earthy smell and taste to the water but are assured it is safe to drink.
“The smell will be most noticeable in hot water and confined spaces, such as the shower room, but remains well within the Australian Drinking Water Guidelines and poses no risk to human health,” said Manager Water and Wastewater Anthony Burnham.
Anyone experiencing an unpleasant smell or taste to their drinking water is asked to contact Council on (02) 6670 2400 to assist Council to monitor the situation.
The continuing hot dry weather also has resulted in insufficient river flows to hold back a potential saltwater tidal overtopping of the weir next week.
Council will deploy the temporary concrete block barrier across the full width of the weir wall on Friday to protect against a predicted overtopping event on Tuesday and Wednesday next week, 22 and 23 January respectively.
“The predicted tide is forecast to be higher than the current water level in the weir so we will barrier off the weir wall to prevent any salt water entering the weir and contaminating our raw water supply.
“Once the risk passes, we will remove the temporary barrier, possibly by Friday next week.”
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