Council proposes new alignment for McCabes Bridge replacement
18 February 2019
Council has reviewed the proposed alignment of the new McCabes Bridge, to replace the existing bridge which will be inundated when the wall of Clarrie Hall Dam is raised.
We now propose to re-align the road further to the north-west, allowing it to traverse the edge of the gully rather than the centre of the gully.
This modification has been made possible because Council now owns the property just south of the existing bridge, namely the former Coleman property at 511 Doon Doon Road.
To understand the proposed change to the alignment, see the documents March 2018 alignment and February 2019 alignment in the Documents Library on this page.
Essentially the new alignment will have no additional adverse impact on motorists or residents but will provide a number of benefits, namely:
· moving the road further from the neighbouring property boundaries
· allowing an improved alignment of the intersection of Commissioners Creek Road and Doon Doon Road, and
· allowing the same entry driveways to private property neighbours as exist now.
The revised alignment also will provide a number of benefits for Council with respect to constructability and cost, namely:
· reduce the amount of earthworks to be undertaken by an estimated 20,000 cubic metres
· reduce the requirement to haul fill from one site to another
· eliminate the need to install a large culvert to drain the upstream gully
· require an additional 300 metres of roadworks on the southern side, and
· cost slightly less.
To have your say on this proposal, please use the Forum page below.