Tom Beatson Outlook (Razorback)
Consultation has concluded
What are your memories of Tom Beaston Outlook - commonly known as Razorback - and what does it mean to you?
The Outlook and walkway were last month closed to the public in the interest of public safety and will remain closed until further notice.
Tweed residents are being invited to share what Razorback means to them, as Council undertakes investigations into public safety measures at Tom Beatson Outlook.
Visit the Razorback story board to share how often you would visit Razorback, why do you like to visit and when do you go there? Is it part of you morningContinue reading
Tell your story
Tom Beatson Outlook and Razorback have strong historial connections for many people in the Tweed. A quiet retreat in the Tweed Heads district, the Outlook offers panoramic views of the region.
We're inviting your feedback on Tom Beatson Outlook and what it means to you. Is it an important asset in the Tweed?
You might want to share your memories, stories and ideas about Tom Beatson Outlook and Razorback? Or simply tell us why you like to visit and when you go there. Is it part of your morning walks or somewhere you like to spend time on weekends?