What is a management plan?

    A management plan is a long-term vision for how an area can be cared for and/or managed into the future. It recognises how an area may grow and change over time, outlines aims, objectives and opportunities for ongoing management, and expresses a commitment to implement management actions. 

    The management plan expresses 'the future plan' for the area, and how Council will achieve it. It's often implemented using a staged approach with certain aspects of the plan implemented as funding becomes available.

    What area is included?

    The area consists of nine (9) parcels of Crown-owned land (some part lots). Council manages all land parcels other than Lot 7053/DP1111122 which is managed by the State Government. The total area is approximately 27.617ha and the relevant Lots are identified below:

    • Lot# 7018/DP1055321
    • Part of Lot# 7019/DP1055321
    • Part of Lot# 7322/DP1128434
    • Part of Lot# 7053/DP1111122
    • Part of Lot# 7335/DP1154509
    • Lot# 1/DP1102130
    • Lot# 2/DP1102130
    • Lot# 7348/DP1170510
    • Lot# 7007/DP1056645

    Why do we need a management plan for Hastings Point headland?

    The Hastings Point headland and adjacent Cudgera Creek are renowned for their scenic beauty, seaside public areas, abundant environmental attributes and deep Aboriginal cultural history. Even careful visitors create an impact, and without careful management, the cumulative future impact of headland visitation will negatively affect its existing values. The plan endeavours to manage use of the area to help the area from being ‘loved to death’.

    What are the Stages of the project, and what will happen in each stage?

    Stage 1 – Community input 

    Council staff will undertake project initiation consultation with Council’s Aboriginal Advisory Committee (AAC), the Hastings Point Progress Association (HPPA), and Tweed Coast and Waterways Committee (TCWC). Council will issue Request for Offer and engage consultant. Council will open and encourage community input through its Your Say Tweed website.

    Stage 2 – Draft management plan

    The consultant will develop the Site Analysis and draft Hastings Point Headland Management Plan (HPMP) in consultation with Council’s Coastal Management Officer with consideration of the community input received through Stage 1. The draft HPMP will be the focus of consultation with community stakeholders in Stage 3.

    Stage 3 – Exhibition and Community Consultation

    The draft plan will be presented to Councillors and principal stakeholders and publicly exhibited.  

    This consultation will generate feedback on the draft HPMP and may identify additional matters for consideration. During exhibition, community consultation will be encouraged through online and in-person (at location & drop-in) engagement.

    Stage 4 – Finalise management plan

    Finalising the management plan will include preparing a submissions report to summarise feedback and amending/updating the draft management plan in response to submissions. The amended draft will then be presented to principal stakeholders for endorsement and recommendation that Council adopt the plan.

    Stage 5 – Final Management Plan adopted

    The final management plan will be presented to Council for adoption.