The options explained
Here's a summary of each of the options raised in the survey:
□ Twice-a-year kerbside collection (cost neutral - existing service)
This is the existing service.
Council contractors collect bulky household waste from residences throughout Tweed Shire over a four to five-week period, twice a year. There are restrictions on volume and what can be
placed out for collection.
□ Once-a-year kerbside collection (reduction on current cost by about 20 - 30 per cent)
Council contractors collect bulky household waste from throughout Tweed Shire over a four to five week period, once a year. Volume of collection pile would remain similar to existing requirements.
□ Once-a-year dial-up service (similar cost to current service)
You contact the Council at any time throughout the year to arrange a day for collection. Note: it might be a number of weeks before the contractors are in your area. Place items on nature strip the day before collection. Restrictions will apply to volume and what can be placed out for collection.
□ Two tip vouchers provided with the annual rates notice (significant cost reduction on current service)
Vouchers will be provided with your rates notice - or following proof of residential address - to allow free disposal of bulky waste at Stotts Creek Resource Recovery Centre. Up to one trailer load of waste will be accepted twice a year. It will not include disposal of certain
hazardous materials (eg. asbestos).
□ Provision of one tip voucher and one dial-up service per year (Similar cost to current service)
Comprises above two options. Combining the dial-up and tip voucher services would continue to provide residents with a twice-a-year service.
□ None of the above, I can dispose of any unwanted items by other means (reduced cost on rates for waste charge)
The only place for waste disposal is Stotts Creek Resource Recovery Centre or local metal recyclers. Surveillance of illegal dumping will increase and Council Compliance Officers are authorised to issue fines.
Consultation has concluded