Why is Council considering renaming Bray Park Reserve?

    A written request was submitted to Council by a member of the community to rename the reserve and was presented at a Council meeting on 6 April 2023.

    Can I read the application to rename Bray Park Reservie?

    Council has received an application to name the currently named ‘Bray Park Reserve’ and Off-Leash Dog Park, being Lots 1 – 10 DP19727, ‘Easton Park’ or ‘Clive Easton Park’ in honour of Mrs. Carol Easton and her late husband Mr. Clive Easton.  

    The request reads as follows:

    Bray Park Reserve application for naming of park known currently as Bray Park Reserve.

    (i) a clear description of the public park to be named, including street address, locality and/or property particulars;
    The park to be named lies in the area known as Bray Park which is about 3 k out of Murwillumbah on the Kyogle/Uki Road. It is bordered on the right side by the Tree Street easement and at the front by the Uki/Kyogle Road. More park land is on the other side and behind. Part of the Bray Park Reserve has recently been fenced to create an Off-Leash Dog Park the proposed name and the reason for the choice of that proposed name, particularly if the proposed name relates to flora, fauna, or contains any descriptive element relating to the Tweed Shire area; The proposed name for the Bray Park Reserve is the Easton Park or the Clive Easton Park. There are many reasons for this choice:

    a) Clive Easton was employed as the Tweed Shire Entomologist from 1984 until 2013. During this time, he was responsible for many notable improvements and innovations. He won awards and gained kudos for Tweed with developments and implementations – most of which are outlined later in this document.

    b) As well as this, Carol Easton, his wife (and latterly his widow) campaigned long and hard for an Off Leash Dog Park to be sited somewhere in Murwillumbah. On moving back to Murwillumbah from Cabarita, Carol Easton noticed a lack of fenced parks for dogs so took up a petition which started the ball rolling for such a facility to be built. It was largely her interest and unflinching persistence that has led to the creation of this wonderful new amenity.

    (ii) any history of the land set aside for public park relative to the name proposed;
    Bray Park is situated on Bundjalung Country. Its name derives from John Saunders Bray, so named in 1970 after a former Pine Rivers Shire councilor – 1946-1973

    (iii) any history or historical involvement with the Tweed Shire area of the person or organisation after whom the naming is sought;
    As mentioned in (ii), Clive Easton was a member of the Tweed Shire Council team for many years. He and his wife and family lived withing the Tweed Shire from 1984 until 2020.

    (iv) contributions by the person or organisation to the Tweed Shire community which may warrant consideration for the proposed name;
    The contributions which Clive Easton made to the Tweed Shire Council are too detailed to be listed here. Within the realm of his employment, he initiated many innovations regarding the control of mosquito and biting midge, trying to limit the use of chemicals. In 2011 he was awarded the Ruth Readford Award for a lifetime achievement in the field of mosquito control. He was also the one who recognised the presence of acid sulphate water in the region after heavy rain caused huge fish kills. Being the first in Australia to recognise acid sulphate soil, Clive was awarded the Banksia Environmental Award in 2003. Clive was also instrumental in the control of the Pandanus Leaf Hopper, being first to recognise its presence in the Tweed.

    (v) any history of service to the Tweed Shire community that was on a voluntary basis;
    Clive’s contribution to the community was work related as he often went far beyond his call of duty (vi) any detailed information in relation to the service and its contribution to the betterment of the Tweed Shire community.

    How can I provide my feedback on this proposal?

    You can participate by making a submission on this page. You can also:

    Email: tsc@tweed.nsw.gov.au

    Phone: 02 66702109

    Mail: Addressed to the General Manager, Tweed Shire Council, PO Box 816, Murwillumbah, 2484.